

The guard stopped Morne and ran him through the same questions he went through at Untelneb before waving him in.

Morne went into the first tavern he saw and asked the barkeep where he could hire a carriage to take him to the Opyek Empire.

"South side of the city," the woman said, not taking her eyes off of the cocktail she was mixing. "It'll be expensive considering how far we are from the border. Now if you aren't going to buy anything, I have customers to attend to."

Morne nodded and left, following her directions.

On the way, he spotted a contingent of men dressed all in black, with swords at their hips and grim expressions like they were marching off to war. He tried to go around them, but was stopped by one of them.

"You there," the man said, looking Morne up and down with furrowed brows. "You look familiar."

"Can I help you?" Morne asked.
