

General Bryson raised his voice, trying to stop such a strange thought.

But the young boy instead revealed an evil smile!!

“What if… I can do it?!”

The boy's tone of voice and eyes were full of firmness.

“W… what does that mean? Leng San, you can't forget that after the metal cools down, it will return to its solid state. Meridians are what spread all over your body. They will make you paralyzed!! And when the time comes, no one will really be able to help you because the strength of the Rainbow-stage metal is the most important!!

You have no reason to take such great risks. The chances of error are very high compared to what you will get. Even you can't predict the exact result of it, correct?" General Bryson, however, insisted on the young man changing his mind.

Leng San even sat still for a long time. The warning of General Bryson, who was like an elder to Leng San, had a certain effect on him. But then Leng San's eyes turned strangely calm.
