
David’s First Fly

David felt like he was about to embark on the biggest adventure of his life. And maybe that's exactly what happened. He had never sat in an airplane seat before, and never thought he would ever sit in one. At least not until recently, when Gustav offered him this trip. But now here he was, in a Boeing 737, waiting for the plane to soar and carry him high and far.

He looked around curiously. He watched as more passengers took their seats and as smiling stewardesses in dark blue costumes, quirky hats and with white and blue neckerchiefs under their necks, greeted the travelers.

For David, everything was interesting - the seats, the brochures placed in front of him, the seat belts and the ceiling above his head, or rather the panel on which there were lights, dials and buttons. He himself didn't even know if he was more interested in what was happening outside the window of the plane or in the plane itself. In fact, he was interested in everything.
