
A Law.

Maulketh's power continued to surge within his Black Hole. Ever constant was the lessening pain from parts of his body being erased. With every passing day he spent in the ever-solidifying sea of Chaos, he continued to adapt.

Less and less of his body could be erased, what was erased was repaired before any meaningful damage could be caused to him. More shards of the faded gods and titans of the Greek Pantheon continued to be assimilated by him causing his power to continue to rise.

The most significant change was to the Concept of Tyrrany which had reached new extremes. He could feel it was constantly pushing the barrier between a Concept and a Law, but something continued rejecting its attempts.

Despite the infinite energy of Chaos, it seemed that the barrier between Concept and Law just became stronger instead of weaker. Maulketh opened his eyes as he stirred in anger. Despite Ddraig, Laevatine, and Gram's helping him he still could not breach the barrier between Concept and Law.

The Concept of Tyrrany continued to grow stronger using Infinity, Chaos Karma, and Destruction along with Domination from Ddraig to empower itself. But despite it becoming stronger along with Maulketh, it was still not enough.


Maulketh raged causing the force raging from him to shatter the crystal sea around him. Levantine and Gram floated near his head as they watched their master seemingly begin to lose patience.

[Calm down Maulketh. It's not like you lose your cool over a mere month of failure. You have trained for centuries to just gain a little more power so what is causing you anger.]

'Ddraig, you know better as the one closest to my soul. The barrier between a Law and Concept is not weakening, it's getting fucking stronger. The more energy I use, the stronger the feeling of rejection gets, if I use less nothing happens.

No matter how much my power grows, it's like my goal is getting further and further away.'

[So what? Just spend more time getting stronger, you don't need a Law right now. Your Concept of Tyrrany has carried you this far, for now, you can't force it.]

Maulketh paused as he realized this rage was not coming from him but from his Concept of Tyranny. This was what made it so confusing as his Concept was not a part of him, it was him and he was it. Yet at the same time, they were at the same time not one being which was why it seemed to be another entity.

It was as if the Concept of Tyrrany was ragging at the inability to do as it was called and ascend to a Law. That rage bled over into him which meant that he was feeling shame and anger same as his Concept.

'Ah, my negative emotions are amplified by my Demon Dragon God and my Concept to the extreme same as everything else. Ddraig, you once again have made me realize the error of my ways.'

[I don't get to do that often as you are normally able to do everything by yourself. Laevatein, anything to add?]

'Nope. All I will say is even if the Concept of Tyrrany does not evolve, as long as we get stronger that should be enough.'

Gram the newly titled Tyrant Emperor Sword gently floated near Maulketh's face and spoke. Just like Laevatein, it was a male.

'Chill out.'

Maulketh snorted in amusement at the sword.

'I should chill out. You know what, we are cheating.'

From Maulketh's Spatial Ring, the three Fruit of Ascension were brought out. Seeing them made Ddraig pause.

[Weren't you saving those for your friends.]

'I know, but as long as I am stronger I can repay them.'

One of the Fruits floated to Gram and the second to Laevatein, while the third went in front of Maulketh. Ddraig went silent.

[What about me? You already ate one so you should give it to me and Laevatein and Gram as your Symbol of power. As such you will get stronger from them so think about your friend yeah.]

Maulketh looked at his left hand imagining the face of Ddraig looking pitiful. He sighed as he split his Fruit into two halves.

'Here, don't say I don't do anything for you.'

[Wow, remember when I gave you a shard of my soul so graciously. So my soul was only worth half of a Fruit of Ascension. Consider me hurt.]

'Quit your sarcasm before I give your half to Grimnar.'

[I apologize for my outburst.]

Maulketh stirred as he looked at the two swords, the Boosted Gear ad his half of the Fruit.


The two swords slashed the Fruit's and devoured their energy, Maulketh swallowed his half while Ddraig absorbed it into the Boosted Gear where he drained its energy for his soul.

Maulketh's Patron meanwhile watched the process feeling that it was a smart idea. As his Symbols of Power, giving them the Fruit would cause them to evolve, therefore evolving Maulketh. As for Ddraig, he would get stronger and through the soul bond he shared with Maulketh would do the same.

Even Maulketh eating his own would cause all that power to, directly and indirectly, evolve Maulketh. She reached out and grabbed one of her white haires and plucked it gently out of her scalp. Her human-looking body was not her true self as her true form was that of an Eldtrich Nightmare.

But her true form had been warped into this form meaning she was one of the purest forms of Void lifeform. She extracted all the energy from that one hair and refined it with her Divinity along with the Void energy around her to create a drop of refined Void Essence.

She waved her hand and sent that drop of refined Void Essence into Maulketh's heart secretly. The exact instant that the three Fruits of Ascension synchronized their power, they reacted with the streams of energy in Maulketh's body to propel him forward in power.


When Maulketh did this, he did not really know what was going to happen, but when it did, he was sure he did not expect this. When Laevatein and Gram began to evolve, most of that energy went toward them, but getting stronger brought him along for the ride.

The same was happening to Ddraig who was Ascending in power while also carrying Maulketh with him. As for the half that Maulketh himself ate, its power connected to Ddraig, Gram, and Laevatein all at once causing the 4 of them to link together to evolve as one.

The Void Essence reacted strongly with the Chaos Energy, Tyranic Essence, and Conceptual Energy which instantly made itself known. Maulketh's Dragon Hearts exploded from the sheer amount of energy before constantly being regenerated.

All the Energies Maulketh had in his body began to be fused with the power of the Three Fruits of Ascension causing the Concept of Tyrrany to focus on Maulketh's Hearts.

The Black Hole Maulketh was staying in began to grow stronger and larger to draw in more energy to fuel the Domain of Tyrrany which began to assimilate the powers he had gotten from Infinity, Chaos Karma, Destruction, and Domination from Ddraig to do this.

Maulketh's Demon Dragon Hearts which he thought were perfect were rid of any flaws that even the Concept of Tyrrany had not seen. Maulketh closed his eyes as he began to drift off into sleep.

When Maulketh fell asleep, outside of Chaos, a few portals opened up. From these portals emerged Trihexa, Tiamat, Ophis, Astrid, and Celestine. They all looked down into the sea of Chaos from where Maulketh was.

They could visibly see how Chaos was beginning to shrink before growing larger again and recovering. Tiamat looked down in her human form before turning to her fellow Dragon Goddesses.

"So that is the disturbance in our bonds."

Trihexa crossed her arms as she looked into Chaos.

"He is trying to evolve his Concept into a Law and decided to use the Infinite energy of Chaos to fuel his ascension."

Ophis agreed with her point.

"I wonder why I never thought of using Chaos instead of the Dimensional Gap?"

Astrid turned to her.

"You never cared obviously. But while we are here, shouldn't we offer our help."

Celestine nodded.

"If we leave him down there he could stay forever and still not finish eating all of Chaos. Let's not forget that he took Grimnar and Leman with him. I say we help him."

Tiamat turned to her.

"We should. The energy of Chaos will just go to waste otherwise as Chaos does not use it for anything. He just exists and infinitely recovers his energy. We can all use this place to fuel our ascensions along with Maulketh."

Ophis walked forward and in a burst of Infinity turned into her Dragon Form. A dragon seemingly formed of raw energy. As for her size, she was 1,800 meters long and her energy form was vast.

(Image here)

"Come along girls."

Trihexa smirked as she looked at Ophis' Dragon Form.

"Show off."

One by one they all turned into their true Dragon Forms and began to dive into Chaos looking for Maulketh. Grimnar and Leman felt their presence. The two of them ignored them and continued to do their own thing.

There was plenty of energy to go around as no matter how much they too, Chaos kept making more by its name. Chaos was Chaotic and trying to bring order to it was counterproductive.

But while the Dragon Goddesses began their own consumption of Chaos' Energies for their own sakes, in the center of Chaos Maulketh's Black Hole continued to grow and grow seemingly without end.

All the energy taken in by it was instantly devoured by Maulketh who felt he was about to reach that breaking point. When Gram and Laevatein completed their new Ascensions, Maulketh himself grew stronger through his Symbols of Power.

Ddraig's own Ascension also caused the same thing which caused the rapid rise of the power of the Concept of Tyranny. When Maulketh's new Hearts were completed, the new energy they produced was a perfect mixture of everything Maulketh was.

A mix of Conceptual, Tyranic, Void, and Chaos Essence flowed through Maulketh's body and soul. All that energy that began to be produced replaced his inferior energy. When it had fully saturated him, the Concept of Tyrrany used all this energy to once more attempt to breach the barrier of a Concept and a Law.

Laevatein, Gram, and Ddraig helped Maulketh who used every drop of his power to breach the Barrier he was feeling. When the Barrier shattered, Maulketh's Concept instantly began to change.

Maulketh who was the Demon Dragon God of Tyranny, began to feel everything he thought he knew change. The moment his Concept became a Law, everything changed. The first effect was that Maulketh needed to Ascend into a being of Law.

A Dragon God could be called a being of Concepts, while a being of Law was an order above that. Instead of being formed from Conceptual Energy, they would be formed from their Law which caused Maulketh's body to warp and ascend into his new superior form.

First was his body, his size began to expand several times before his growth stopped at 12,000 Meters in height. His Two Dragon Hearts, his soul, his bloodline, his Symbols of Power, Ddraig, all felt the power of being exposed to the Power of a Law.

If the Evolution they experienced from the Fruit of Ascension was grand, this new one was a totally new state of being. The difference could not be compared and once they had all changed, Maulketh rose to his full height and stretched out.

'One stop closer to reaching my end goal. For now, so much needs to happen. This is not enough, it won't ever be enough, but for just a moment I can relax. For when my ambition is released, there will be no time to relax.'

(To be frank, I want Maulketh at his max size to be around 12 Miles, the size of a 40k Gloriana Class Battleship. I have wanted him to be that big from the start as he always felt too small to me. And there is your next clue about the next world after the true DC arc begins.)
