
Chapter 15

Tom got back home after making a few extra twists and turns in case someone was following him,he didn't underestimate the Russians one bit,though he was sure they won't be hurting any one for a good while for now

"system,show me my stats please"

[Tom Warden]

[Profession: Teacher, Vigilante]

[Skills: Body binding curse, Persuasion, Protego]


[Items: Bulletproof cloak]

"How in the hell did I get so many Gacha points" Tom noticed that there was another profession beside his teaching on the status page,so he pulled up the missions tab


[Main: Survive the battle of New York]

[Main: Survive the snap ]

[Main:Survive the Hand and Kingpin]

[Repeatable: Help a Vigilante]

[Repeatable: defeat thugs]

[Repeatable: Defend the civilians]

[Repeatable: Exercise]

[Repeatable:help a student]

[Repeatable: Help a main character]

"the list just got bigger,this makes me feel like I did everything for the points,anyway,I a sure the Russians will either be killed if caught by the police or be back to the factory within a weeks time" Tom thought as he pulled out the all too familiar gun and gave it some thought

"I should probably give it to Mary,it's better with her then gathering rust over here" Tom decided,though he didn't go right away and decided to do so in the morning while leaving for work


"Hi Sir! This came in the mail this morning" Mary greeted Tom with a bright voice,it did enough to wash away Toms worry who took the mail from her and read it

It seems like he has been given the chance for an interview at Oscorp,the leading bio medical and engineering company if you don't count in stark

"Thanks Mary, Norman is really weird to send in a mail in the modern era of emails don't you think" Tom asked

"err, how would I know,Anyway,I a going out to buy some new furniture,but did you hear the news ,they were saying that the whole Russian mafia was wiped clean from the area ,does it have anything to do with that masked freak we saw yesterday" Mary asked in wonder

"That masked freak just saved your life yesterday,God knows what that Russian man was going to do to you and me if he hadn't been their" Tom admonished her as he truly appreciated the help of Matt

Mary could only swallow her words as she looked at Tom,To her,it wasn't only the masked thief that helped her,it was this guy in front of her

"here take this" Tom said as he handed her a bag in the hallway

They were standing In the hallway near the stairs that lead to the upper floors

"what is this sir" Mary asked as she was about to open it,though Tom immediately stopped her as he looked left and right before he put his mouth near her ears so that not even the walls could hear

"open this bag only when you are in deep trouble and hide it where it's the most accessible but hidden as well"

"Y-yes" Mary suddenly started blushing while Tom realised his actions and could only cough in embarrassment to diffuse the situation

"alright I am leaving,remember to get whatever you need today,I won't let you skip another day" Tom reminded her as she pulled out her tongue ,annoyed by Tom and his new rules

Tom took the public's transport as he marvelled at the beautiful city of New York now that he was a little more calmer and his position in Midtown was secure,along with the fact that he will be working for Oscorp,only if he passes the interview and they don't mind him working as a teacher

Staying close to Peter was better then some Norman Osborn who he might not even get to see

Tom arrived in class,his first class today was with the sophomores so he was especially excited and to his surprise,Peter Parker was actually present today

Though the boy had some bruises on his face

"Good morning class!"

"Good morning sir" the students replied in unison

"Peter come over here for a moment" Tom immediately called Peter over,who was slightly nervous as he had bunker many classes due to his 'extracurricular' activities

"yes sir!"

"It seems you aren't taking me seriously at all" Tom spoke as he looked Peter in the eyes

Peter who was a newly born Spider-Man felt a sense of danger from Tom,as if he was going to get shot by one of those muggers he just stopped a while back before coming to school

"N-no sir! I was just-" Peter was stopped abruptly by Toms laugh

"hah! I am just kidding with you,it's alright if you want to skip classes,just give me a massage in advance and one more thing" Tom walked closer to Peter,Peter felt a little bit intimidated by Toms height as he looked at Tom

"Skipping classes means you will have to take out time to understand my lessons from me,I don't care if it's outside of school ours or during school ours,is that clear" Tom spoke the first half directly to Peter and then spoke to the whole class

"Yes sir"

"Good! Now sit down on your chair Peter,you missed the previous test,Gwen will be the one conducting your test for you"

Peter immediately looked up from his desk and stared at the blonde across from him,the blonde in question was also doing the same

Peter couldn't help but develop some respect for the young teacher


