
Chapter 24: Dungeon (III).

Chapter 24: Dungeon (III).

Francisca's POV

Elre was curious about my magic, he wondered how a human child like me can ever conduct such a high level kind of concentration.

I suppose that got him to relax some more from the looks of it.

"Are you a prodigy that only blooms once a century in the human years? I have seen nothing like you, given that I have never met a decent human- but I suppose you're still a child so you don't have the same aggression."

I shake my head, not all humans are aggressive and heartless enough to try and eradicate a whole clan of elves so seemed to be living peacefully on their own. "Like I said, I just have a good teacher. My father is an earth and fire magic user so he knows what to do."

"You were born from a man with two magical aptitudes, truly outstanding. No wonder- not anyone can just have a good teacher, what you did- at such a young age cannot be taught so easily. You possess such raw power that anyone would grow envious of."

I didn't manage to tell him that I was adopted- but if I tell him that I'm afraid that he'll ask me more questions about my origins so… time to keep my mouth shut on this one. "Should I worry about that now?"

Elre laughs at my question, looking slightly offended. "No, you do not. I guarantee you that I am stronger than you human child. Though I'm glad- perhaps in the battle with the minotaur you won't become a spectator but a good support for me instead. I can teach you all that I know."

"Though if my father had heard of me placing a human child in battle I would never hear the end of it. Thankfully, you're not just any human child. You seem to be exceptional!" He was really becoming even more friendly, I have read in a book somewhere before that in this world- Elves are prideful and a strong race who values magic amongst all else.

Even at their young age they were expected to excel at academics.

"Oh no- I'm just a normal human child!" I laughed dryly, looking over at the side.

I thought I could be a little careless when it came to my speaking patterns but… hopefully he's just talking about my academics and not the fact that I speak like an adult human would.

Not unless he expects for all human children to be educated at a certain level like the elves. "We're almost near, human. We'll have our time cut out for us however because before we find where the minotaur is on his labyrinth."

"There's a labyrinth?"

"Indeed it is a maze full of traps, death and monsters lurking inside. Not to worry, I have prepared a plan for this day." (Elre) takes out a map from one of his pockets, it details the labyrinth with many red x marks revealing a dead end. "I almost died getting this, but it was worth it. One of the human corpses inside has this map- I combined it with my findings to reveal the room where the minotaur layed. My brother was an adventurous and studious elf. He would always wander in strange places deep in this dungeon, thinking of the gods that made this place."

I took a look at the map with the 'x marks' but on the side of it there was a torn bit of it and it had holes.

All that was left was-

"We cannot… e… because… the… labyrinth it… m…" I raised an eyebrow at this, feeling a bit suspicious.

Elre continues his story about his brother, as he stores back his map into his bag. "Little did he know that his free spirit would kill him. Father… now became stricter of letting me out of the safe part of the dungeon."

"Why… haven't you come back into the human world?"

"And go back into hiding? Just to find out that monster that's been hunting us has been waiting for our return? No thanks, the monsters here are much better company than humans. At least we know… they're our enemies." As he tells me the story, it was clear what the human's damage did to Elre and their past. "We won't trust another human again. Hmph, you're an exception however- I don't believe corruption has spread upon your child mind yet."

If I'm being honest… I retained my old memories and personality.

I know what is right and wrong, I won't be easily swayed by the adults on some of their beliefs. "Even when I grow up, it won't."

It won't…

"You'll never be sure of the future." His eyes were a little clouded but soon, when he looked at me- I swear there was a spark of hope. "But if corruption does not make its way to you when you get older… we could be friends."


I know that I had nothing to do with the past war, but honestly- this is making me curious as to what happened all those years ago… the friendship of humans and elves.

Only to be betrayed and have their people slaughtered.

What kind of heartless monster would do that?

"We're almost near the labyrinth, are you ready?"


"All right then let's go." We head on to the entrance of the labyrinth as Elre leads the way.

The elven boy stops his tracks, as we enter a sacred place. I took a look at my phone for a second and grimaced at my [Map] app.

Every part that was deep in the dungeons was a bright glowing red circle, moving around and warning me of danger. "..."

It won't be easy getting to the boss, not unless we defeat the underlings first. "Welcome to the entrance, this is the main entrance but it is also believed to have been a sacrificial place for the gods that made this dungeon."

The walls are written with words I can't read. Are they codes?

Drawn figures of… humans but- I don't think they're just ordinary humans.

They do an art form of poses showing structures of power, wisdom, kindness and what strength they hold. One of them was holding a sun, and the other was burning everything that was on its path.

"Fascinating isn't it? It's the language of the gods. The Celestial language, carved by who knows… I could only decipher a few texts and it tells of a warning of what happens when you enter the labyrinth." Elre explains, pointing at a few encryptions.

"If you enter you cannot go back, your souls will be lost and your life be damned." The encryptions say that?

Well if there's a place like this warning me of doom I would follow the advice and not go inside but- if this is the only way out for a human.

I have no choice.

"Hah… That's not ominous at all."

Elre shows me a couple more normal ones, such as the rules of the labyrinth but a few pieces and words were missing. "I would love to show you around some more but we have to press on."

I took another look at my phone, then at the map he was holding- just in case that it's wrong. "Sigh… guess I'll just guide him if we're going in the wrong direction."

We entered the labyrinth, darkness engulfing us.

"[Fire Magic: Flame]." I summoned a small flame in my hands and now we could see the way a bit.

I could do a light magic one… but I'm not sure what elves think of the light, whether they worship it or they hate it. Also- I feel like if I used light magic there would be more questions about that. "You can lead the way, what does the map say?"

"Ah right… you- really are an exceptional human." He eyes my fireball and coughs.

"Thank you."

"This is the first section of the labyrinth, based on what I have gathered the deepest anyone has gone through was three." He started reading the map and leading the way inside, the first few parts of the labyrinth were okay.

We moved forward and avoided some of the monsters using my help- but when we really had to fight…

Some blinking red marks on my map started appearing, there were almost a dozen… if not more up ahead. "Wait Elre!"

I stop him, tugging him by his pants. "There's danger up ahead. We won't be safe if we take them on. We have to go back." I warned him, he looked at the map and shaked his head.

"You can relax, human, the monsters around this area are rather weak. A little elfling can handle this all by himself." He went back looking at the map before glancing back to me, in a hesitating manner. "Wait… did you say them?"

I nodded in answer and this time he seemed to believe me.

"Alright then… if what you said is right." He takes his map, folding it before putting it in his pocket.

He places his hands together somehow like a prayer before casting an unknown spell to the direction of the monsters.

"[Wind Magic: Aerial Echoes]." A gust of wind blew and soon we could hear the echoes growling, the monsters were very far based on the map but did he possibly cast a spell that finds out the location of an enemy or even sounds travelling it to the air-

From the name I mean I'm guessing it works like an echo but instead of sound bouncing through the wall, it bounces off some magic wind.

"You were right, there are a lot of directions. I could hear about fifteen monsters ready to tear us apart- but that's the only way to the next section of the labyrinth."

I checked my map and he was right, that was the only entryway available to where we needed to go. "Oh… so do we wait it out or?"

"We could but we'll only be wasting our time. We can take them on easily, now that I've seen a fragment of your capabilities. I suggest using earth spells if you can, the next place we'll be going is a little cave and we don't want ourselves to be suffocating now would we?"

"Yes, you're right."

"I'll go ahead and lead the way here in case of an emergency. Running out of mana is the worst thing that can happen to anyone." He gives me a sharp dagger and pats my head.

"O-Okay…" I held the dagger in my hand, acting afraid. Any other regular human child would be afraid of the situation that we're in but if it comes to the worst and Elre can't handle these monsters alone.

I will need to stop acting weak.
