
Chapter 142: Shelia, Echo, and Goliath's Time to Shine!

"I must say, Prince Elif, your reputation doesn't do you justice." Stated Shelia between her ragged breathing as she intercepted a heavenly scar heading toward her with her lance, successfully stopping it, though, from the damage her lance sustained, it obviously wasn't easy.

"But, of course, my reputation doesn't give me justice; how could someone as marvelous as I ever be described with mere words?" Said Elif with a prideful smile as he calmly dodged Echo's relentless attacks before smacking her with Hokori, which was still sheathed, once he found an opening.

"Ugh, can we please stop talking and focus on beating him!? He's almost broken through my illusion!" Exclaimed Eyvor in slight anger while doing her best to keep her illusion intact.

"What do you think we are doing, Eyvor!?" Replied Birger in anger with bloodshot eyes while glaring at Eyvor.

Seeing Birger shift his head to glare in a specific direction, which I assumed was where Eyvor was located, though since I didn't know her exact location, I launched a massive heavenly scar in that general direction, hoping that my attack would manage to hit her. Yet before the attack could reach its desired location, an injured Goliath appeared directly in front of it with crossed arms, intending to stop my attack, which he would almost fail to do if it wasn't for the assistance that an equally injured Shelia offered.

"Can the two of you stop arguing, please? We need to work together if we want to have any chance of beating him!" Stated Shelia solemnly while taking a deep breath before she and Goliath charged toward a slightly injured Elif, who was calmly standing there.

"Shelia's right, but I agree with Eyvor; we must conclude this battle soon. Shelia, Birger, and I have been engaging with Prince Elif nonstop, and while Birger isn't as injured as the two of us, our Qi is getting dangerously low; we won't last too much longer." Declared Goliath as he poured Qi into his fists, causing them to glow before he punched at Elif, who was still in the distance.

Sensing Echo approaching me from the side, I nimbly deflected each one of her fists before grabbing her leg and throwing her toward the incoming ethereal fists that Goliath created; making sure she won't escape the attack, I launched Heavenly scar from the tip of Hokori, which pierced through Echo's abdomen, while also causing her to get hit by one of the ethereal fists from behind, resulting in a large explosion.

"That is revenge for all the times you hit me in the face." Mentioned Elif with a frown while rubbing his bruised face.

Looking at Shelia, who was covered in broken armor, as she approached me, I raised my other hand to manifest a large purple palm before launching it toward the incoming Shelia; yet before it reached her, she outstretched her lance and channeled a significant amount of Qi into it, causing the damaged lanced to encompass her in a vast amount of lightning. Once she was fully covered in lightning, all of a sudden, she turned into a beam with immense speed while charging lance-first into the incoming purple palm; when the two collided, they caused a massive explosion as the two got locked into a power struggle.

I was confident in my Royal Elf's Palm, yet to my surprise, cracks started forming on the palm as Shelia began pushing it back, and before my very eyes, she destroyed my purple palm before lunging toward me with an insane speed to boot.

'I'm honestly surprised Shelia had something like that in her arsenal; she's moving at a speed comparable to Elaine, which is very impressive, even if she is two minor realms above her.' Thought Elif with a light smile as he brought Hokori in front of him to block the incoming Shelia.

When Shelia collided with Hokori's sheath, the force she carried with her into the impact nearly caused me to take a step back. As the two of us were in a power struggle, I took this opportunity to look through the slit in Shelia's helmet where her eyes were, and I gave her a playful wink, to which she replied by hardening her gaze and increasing the force on Hokori.

Sensing her lack of playfulness, I internally sighed as I pushed Shelia off of Hokori, flinging her away in the process before appearing right above her and kicking her toward Goliath, Birger, and Echo, who happened to gather in one spot.

'Ho, gathering in one spot; don't tell me they're formulating a plan to defeat me? Well, I'll give them this opportunity before ending this battle; I've started to become bored anyways.' Pondered Elif calmly while eyeing Birger, Shelia, Goliath, and the invisible Echo, though he could only roughly sense her location.

For roughly the next minute, I did nothing but observe the four of them as they communicated via divine sense to formulate a plan to defeat me; however, I don't even know if they were actually doing that, I just assumed they were.

"Finally finished, or do you need me to wait another minute for you all to perfect your plan?" Said Elif in a teasing manner while imitating a yawn as he glanced at the injured and bloody Echo, who suddenly appeared standing beside Goliath while Birger vanished.

"Well, it would be rude to decline such a generous offer." Replied Echo with a slight smile as she prepared for battle, while Elif noted the glowing markings on her body.

"I was joking." Said Elif blandly.

Seeing that they were ready for battle, I raised Hokori above my head before bringing it down while launching a decently powerful Heavenly scar that would require the effort from all three to stop it; however, it seemed all of that was useless as they simply evaded the purple sword wave.

'Tch, well, that was a waste.' Thought Elif while clicking his tongue in annoyance.

After evading my attack by splitting up, they converged toward my location with Shelia in the lead, closely followed by Echo and Goliath. Once they reached me, Goliath and Shelia constantly swapped between attacking me and defending my attacks, while Echo continued doing what she was previously doing and sneak attacking me whenever given the opportunity, though since I can perfectly sense her, it's not very effective.

"Without Eyvor hiding your presence, sneak attacking me isn't going to work, Echo." Commented Elif as he defended against Goliath's fists using Hokori before turning around and firing a Gyakusatsu toward the incoming Echo, though she managed to shift her body at the last second, causing it to avoid her heart and lungs narrowly.

"Ugh, I suppose you're right; instead of timing my attacks, how about I just go all out on the offensive!?" Remarked Echo with a slight smile as her markings glowed brighter while her muscles increased slightly in size.

Just like Echo said, she completely forwent any type of defense and switched her tactic to purely offensive, which I must say, combined with Shelia and Goliath attacking me as well, it wasn't easy defending against them all, though that was mostly because I was still limiting myself; otherwise it wouldn't be any fun.

'Hmm, is it just me, or every time I successfully attack Echo, she increases in power? No, her power is definitely increasing.' Thought Elif intriguingly as he defended against Shelia and Echo's onslaught of attacks, leaving him without many opportunities to retaliate.

With the Echo's power increasing every time I attacked her and Shelia's relentless barrage of lighting, I was forced to shift more of my focus toward those two while Goliath was of my least concern; sure, his attacks are powerful; however, it couldn't compare to the power the ladies wielded, and it seemed like he noticed it as his face took on a frustrated expression.

"Ho, what happened, Goliath? You were so eager to fight me earlier; however, now you're being outshined by Shelia and Echo; so much for being a mighty Titan." Said Elif with a smirk in a mocking manner while purposely using more strength whenever he attacked Goliath to make it seem like he was much weaker than the other two.

And just like I had hoped for, my mocking words managed to spur Goliath into a fit of rage as he angrily replied to me while his body was slowly getting covered in a blackish hue.

"Let me show you the power of us TITANS, Prince ELIF!" Exclaimed Goliath angrily as he punched Elif with his blackened hand, which Elif blocked with his sword.

Sensing Goliath's incoming punch, although I didn't know exactly what technique he had used, I had made sure to use extra strength just in case, yet the weirdest thing happened when his fist collided with Hokori. Even though I indeed had blocked his hand, I felt his fist strike my abdomen through Hokori, and as it had caught me off guard, I was forced to several meters back.

"Ugh, yeah, that hurt; I wasn't expecting that." Muttered Elif, slight traces of blood escaped his mouth while he rubbed his stomach before eyeing Goliath, Shelia, and Echo.

"Hehe, well, what are you waiting for? Come and attack me, of course, unless you're scared of me." Stated Elif with a smirk while holding his arms open as if to embrace the world.

With my taunting words, all three came charging toward me, Goliath with his blackened body, Echo with her glowing markings, and Shelia with lightning crackling over her body and lance. Seeing them quickly approach me, I gripped Hokori with both hands, placed my right foot in front of me, and began dancing. Although it may have looked graceful, I wasn't just dancing; no, I was actually using the Fairy Sword Dance technique.

Once they neared me, they attacked me together, seemingly trying to bypass or overpower my attacks, yet it proved for naught; even though I was holding back a large chunk of my power, by using the technique Fairy Sword Dance, my speed of attacking had tremendously increased, to the point where even with their combined might they could hardly stop my onslaught. However, even though my speed had massively increased by using that technique, there was barely a difference in the strength behind my attacks. Because of that, they didn't phase Goliath one bit, leaving him to take the brunt of the attacks while Shelia and Echo attacked me from a distance.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 157: Elif, Lucifer, and Ivan) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 37: True Conclusion) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 58: Bear Vs Trio!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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