
Chapter 137

Chapter 137 Champion Knight

  "One hundred golden dragons, I bet 'The Hound' wins!" Petyr Baelish , "Littlefinger" loudly announced in the auditorium.

  "I bet on Caesar!" Duke Renly said, "The knight who can beat me must be the champion."

  King Robert laughed immediately when he heard his brother's words:

  "If someone can beat you, he's the champion. I'm afraid we can find hundreds of champions! Hahaha!"

  Duke Renly didn't feel embarrassed, he still had an elegant smile on his face, and asked:

  "Your Majesty, who do you think will be the champion?"

  Robert put down the ox horn wine glass and said: "This brandy is brewed in the territory of that boy Samwell !"

  Queen Cersei suddenly said coldly, "Your Majesty, have you forgotten that Samwell was once named Tarly?"

"Of course I know."

  Robert snorted softly, "Isn't he Randyl Tarly's Son ?."

  "So you remember, I thought you forgot how badly you lost at Ashford."

  "Woman, you think I'm as narrow-minded as you. Tell you, even if Randyll Tarly was here, I wil also drink with him. Of course, after drinking, there will be another fight! Hahaha!"

  Queen Cersei rolled her eyes and said to Petyr: "I bet on Ser Sandor Clegane "

  "I bet my good dog too!" Prince Joffrey yelled after his mother.

  "I bet on Clegane."

  "I bet on Caesar."


  The nobles spoke out one after another to participate in the gamble.

  Margaery Tyrell also stood up, and said loudly:

  "Lord Petyr, I and my brother Loras bet on Baron Caesar!"

  After speaking, Margaery looked back at Natalie asked,

  "Natalie, do you want to bet too?"

  "I..." Natalie clutched the corner of her clothes aggrievedly, "I don't have that much money..."

  "It's okay, let me help you pay ." After Margaery finished speaking, without waiting for Natalie's reply, she said loudly again, "Lord Petyr, Lady Natalie, also bet's Baron Caesar!"

  But Baron Caesar who was on the sidelines at this time was gulping a glass of iced milk and eating berries .

He put on his helmet again and got on his horse.

  Forty thousand golden dragons, I'm here!

  Samwell cheered himself up in his heart, took the lance from the attendant, checked his horse, and came to the arena.

  "The Hound" Sandor Clegane also came to the arena at this time also lowered his mask without saying a word.


  As the horn sounded, the two accelerated at the same time.

  Tap, tap...

  The temporary stands vibrated accordingly.

  Samwell was riding on the horse, leaning forward, with the lance as steady as a rock. But just as the tip of the lance was about to hit the breastplate of the "Hound", the opponent twisted, and the force of Samwell's attack was absorbed by the armor on that side. Countering it Sandor moved his shield and squarely stabbed Samwell.

  As the sawdust scattered, Samwell swayed on the horse's back and almost fell.

  Natalie gasped, her heart skipped a beat .

  "I should think about how to spend your money." Petyr smiled at Duke Renly beside him.

  "The game is not over yet," Lord Renly countered.

  On the sidelines, Sandor the "Hound" threw down the broken lance and reached out to grab a new lance, but suddenly heard his attendant exclaim:

  "My lord, your hand..."

  Sandor looked down, only to find that his right hand was stained red with blood.

  He knew that when he clashed against his brother "The Mountain" before, his hand was already been broken, and the impact just now aggravated his injuries.

  "Don't talk nonsense, give me the lance!" Sandor yelled at his attendants.

  The attendant didn't dare to say anything, and hastily handed the wooden lance to the big blood-red hand.

  Sandor clamped the horse's belly hard and galloped forward.

  On the opposite side, Samwell has already rode to greet him again.

  This time Samwell has experience. At the moment when the two met, he did not rush to shoot, but waited patiently for the opponent to make the first shot. Just when the "Hound's spear was about to touch him, he countered with the lance in his hand.


  The two spears exploded at the same time.

  When the broken lance fell to the ground one after another, they saw that the horse of "Hound" has lost his owner.

  But Samwell still sat firmly on the horse, continuing to move forward in the aftermath of the charge.

  Cheers suddenly exploded in the venue.

  "Caesar! Caesar! Caesar!"

  In the auditorium, "Littlefinger" Petyr shook his head and sighed, "Hah!, the god of luck has never favored me."

  Duke Renly laughed loudly: "Littlefinger, maybe you should quit gambling."

  "How can that be?" Petyr shook his head resolutely, "What's the point of a life without excitement."


  King Robert slapped the table hard and shouted: "Hahaha! I'll just say that kid is really good !"

  Then he turned his head and looked to the side: "Woman, pay!"

  Queen Cersei's fair complexion turned blue, and she said coldly:

  "A Lannister Always Pays His Debts."

  Then she ignored her proud husband.

  "Hehe!! Lord Caesar is amazing!" Natalie cheered bouncingly.

  Then she hugged Margaery's slender waist, and asked excitedly, "Will I have a lot of money?

  Margaery kissed Natalie cheek and said with a smile, "A lot !"

  At this time, Samwell, who won the championship, was riding his horse around the field, accepting the cheers of the audience, and at the same time thanking them in return.

  Finally, he came to the grandstand, got off his horse, knelt down on one knee, and said loudly:

  "Your Majesty, I dedicate this victory and glory to you!"

  Robert laughed loudly and waved: "Come here, young man!!"

  Samwell walked up to the stands and came to the king's long table.

  Robert stood up, holding two horn glasses.

  Only then did Samwell realize that the king was actually taller and stronger than him, standing in front of him was full of oppression.

  "Come on, my champion knight, this is your brandy, do it!"

  Samwell looked at the huge wine glass in front of him, and took a breath in his heart, as if he had returned to the scene of being drunk by a client when he was socializing in his previous life.

  But at this time, he could only grit his teeth, took the wine glass and poured it into his mouth.

  Gudong Gudong...

  By the time Samwell drank the big cup, his head was already dizzy.

  Seeing this, Robert laughed again: "Boy, you can't drink!"

  After speaking, he took out a laurel wreath from the tray in the hand of the maid beside him and handed it to Samwell:

  "Go, go and choose the 'Queen of Love and Beauty' in your mind."

  "Yes, Your Majesty." Samwell took over the laurel wreath, but keenly noticed a trace of sadness in the king's eyes.

  He immediately understood that the king was thinking of the Harrenhal tournament that year.

  The champion of the lance jousting at that time was the former prince Rhaegar Targaryen, and after he won, he passed his wife, Princess Elia Martell, and handed the laurel wreath to Robert's fiancée — Lyanna Stark.

  This started a period of evil fate, until the detonation of the Robert's rebellion .

  It can be seen that this laurel wreath cannot be given randomly.

  Now, it's Samwell's turn to give this honor.

  He knew he had to be careful.

  Margaery Tyrell is a good choice, but he doesn't want to reveal his ambitions so early on, giving it to Natalie Dayne is also good, but it will attract suspicious eyes as the two knights died, and it was easy to attract the attention of interested people.

  In fact, if there is no favorite object, the winning knight will usually give the sponsor's daughter a wreath and laurel crown as a token of gratitude.

  The tourney was held in the name of the Hand of the King, and though he was not present, his daughter was.

  But in the next second, Samwell thought that Sansa Stark was Prince Joffrey's fiancée... Uh, forget it, let's not mess with that "eternal emperor".

  Just Arya Stark.

  However, when Samwell searched the seats of the nobles in the north, he did not find the second daughter of the King's Hand.

  It is estimated that she slipped away to play again.

  In desperation, Samwell had no choice but to set his sights on the king's daughter—Princess Myrcella Baratheon.

  The princess was not yet ten years old, inherited her mother's beauty, but not her bad character.

  Well, this one should be safe.

  So, under the eyes of everyone's anticipation, the young champion knight slowly came to the royal seat and gave the laurel wreath to Princess Myrcella .

  "Princess Myrcella, you are the 'Queen of Love and Beauty' in my heart."

  "Thank you, Baron Caesar!" Princess Myrcella's cheeks were flushed, and her heart seemed to be jumping out of her throat, all of the cheers made her feel like a dream, "This is my greatest honor!"

  As Princess Myrcella put the laurel wreath on her head, the audience cheered enthusiastically.

  At this time, it was dark and the jousting was over, so the king announced that today's tourney was over, and that the archery competition and team competition would be held tomorrow.

  The people gradually dispersed, discussing today's contest and the last young champion knight while walking.

  The nobles continued to go to the river to participate in the bonfire dinner.

  Samwell was thinking about his 40,000 golden dragons, so he found "Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish.

  "Don't worry, Sam." Petyr said with a smile, "The rewards will be paid out after the tournament is over."

Samwell sighed : "Okay, Lord Petyr. Please forgive my impatience, But you also know that my territory is in a critical stage of construction and urgently needs money."

  "Really? But how did I hear that after the last battle of Starfall City, you received a large amount of war compensation from the Dayne family? "

  "Sigh." Samwell sighed again, "My lord, I'm afraid you don't know that the Dayne family doesn't have that much money for the time being, so I asked them to give priority to paying the war compensation to my allies. "

  "I didn't expect you to be such a humble gentleman." Petyr's smile narrowed, "However, listen to my advice, in King's Landing, it's best not to be humble, let alone find an ally."

  "My lord, I... don't quite understand what you mean." Samwell put on a simple and honest expression just right.

  "This is a city built on lies, and the air is filled with the smell of betrayal." Petyr patted Samwell on the shoulder, with a look of heart and soul, "So you can't be so honest anymore, Sam."

  "My lord...I'm afraid it's against the spirit of chivalry..." Samwell looked like an ignorant boy from the countryside at this moment.

  "Hahaha, chivalry doesn't work here." Petyr seemed to be instructing the students, "When you walk into a brothel, you can't pretend to be a decent person. You have to learn to touch a couple of nets first."

  After speaking, he laughed and left.

