
Chapter 108

Chapter 108 Will

  The star curtain hanged low, and the silver moon was like a knife.

  The pale moonlight shrouded the cold courtyard. The tall oak trees in the courtyard swayed their branches in the wind, like ghosts with teeth and claws, and summer insects whispered in the dark corners, as if they were weaving one conspiracy after another.

  "Sam..." From the frightening scene in the banquet hall to now, Natalie has been holding Samwell's hand tightly, refusing to let go, "Lord Jon... will he be all right?"

  Samwell patted the little girl's hand and comforted her, "Don't worry. There are three silver links on Maester Gilmore's necklace. With his medical knowledge, he will definitely heal Lord Jon." , but in fact, Samwell knew very well that Jon Arryn might not be able to survive.

  "Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish would not give the old duke a chance.

  Yes, from the moment Jon Arryn vomited blood and fell to the ground, Samwell had already identified Petyr as the real culprit behind this conspiracy.

  Not Prince Oberyn, who was the most suspected in the eyes of everyone.

  In the original novel, it was "Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish who instigated his secret lover, the Duchess, Lysa Tully, to poison and assassinate her husband.

  However, that happened almost a year later, when Duke Jon found the real evidence of Queen Cersei Lannister's derailment from the book "The Genealogy and History of the Major Nobles of the Seven Kingdoms", "Littlefinger" I just moved his hand.

  And took advantage of the opportunity to plant the crime on the Lannister family, thus detonating the conflict between the western border and the northern border, and disrupting the situation in the Seven Kingdoms.

  The current situation, except that the time is advanced, the situation is so similar.

  It's just that the people who are responsible have changed from the Lannister family to the Martell family.

  In fact, even without Prince Oberyn's showmanship, he would have been the number one suspect. After all, he is the "Red Viper", with a bad reputation, and he happens to have an old grudge with Duke Jon, so he is simply an excellent scapegoat.

  But now, he himself who played tricks and staged a performance in negotiations , coupled with Lady Lysa's angry accusation at Prince Oberyn at the banquet, it directly made everyone believe that he was the murderer.

  This pot, Prince Oberyn could not shake it off.

  It is estimated that only Samwell knows his innocence.

  But Samwell couldn't defend him.

  Because there is no evidence.

  And "Littlefinger" hid so deeply that no one would suspect him at all.

  Ever since he came to Eagle island in the name of the Master of coins to explore silver mines, he probably had already started casting the stage for the ending of today's scene.

  The first character on stage is of course Samwell.

  In order to hide his true purpose, Petyr deliberately used coins to cover up the account.

  Although Samwell knew the true face of this person, he had already guessed that Petyr had bad intentions, and also guessed that he was trying to stir up disputes between Reach and Dorne, but even so, Samwell still couldn't get rid of this conspirator.

Calculation and control, step by step into the center of the stage .

  And Urik Sand, Arianne Martell, Randyll Tarly, Alekyne Florent... These people were not in play but happily included.

  When the stage was set up, it's the turn of the real protagonist, Jon Arryn.

  And the final "villain" Oberyn Martell.

  Of course, Littlefinger is not a god, and he cannot control everything precisely.

  But he doesn't need to be precise about everything, either.

  The course of the story may deviate, but the ending was doomed.

  With Lysa Tully as a pawn, Jon Arryn will die.

  Petyr was just setting the stage for his death.

  A stage where he can clear himself of suspicion of murder and maximize the impact of Jon's death.

  Needless to say, he succeeded.

  Now that Oberyn Martell as the murderer, and with the death of Jon Arryn, the tension between the Reach and Dorne will immediately be fueled and exacerbated.

  Even the stable situation of the entire Seven Kingdoms may be shaky because of this.

  "Sam." Earl Randyll came over and interrupted Samwell's thoughts.


  Earl Randyll took a step closer and said in a low voice,

  "In this situation, I must be with the army in Hornhill. And your uncle must also go to gather the army in Brightwater City. After we leave, you are here Keep an eye on Oberyn Martell, and don't let him out of your sight, understand?"

  Samwell understood that his father was worried that the Martell family would have another move.

  But he knew that Oberyn had a fart trick, and this "Red Viper" was the most confused one right now.

  However, Samwell really couldn't explain it to his father, so he could only nod silently.

  Noticing the departure of Earl Randyll and his entourage , Prince Oberyn couldn't help narrow his gaze.

  The "Red Viper" was completely disarmed right now, his armor was completely stripped off, and spear was also taken away. He was surrounded by more than a dozen bodyguards of the Arryn family alone with bare hands.

  However, he had no fear on his face, and shouted at the top of his voice:

  "Hey, people from Reach, you don't need to mobilize the army. I really came to Starfall City alone with a single spear. At most, I have a foolish attendant. Who was thrown in the tavern. Also, I am very sorry that Duke Jon suddenly coughed up blood, but this matter really has no honor for me, I dare to swear in the name of the sun, the halberd, and the seven gods."

"Shut up ! Red Viper!" A knight of the Arryn family said angrily, "You'd better pray to the Seven Gods that the Lord Duke is safe, otherwise, we will definitely let you be buried with him!"

  "Then you won't be able to catch the real culprit who poisoned Duke Jon."

  "The real culprit is you!"

  "I told you, I didn't..."

  "Uncle!" Princess Arianne couldn't help persuading , "Stop it."

  Prince Oberyn said in disbelief, "Even you think it's me?"

  "No." Princess Arianne shook her head, but her tone was not so firm, "I just think we should still Wait for the news from the maester first, maybe the Lord Duke is just... coughing up blood because he is too tired from traveling all the way."

  "Lord Jon has never coughed up blood before!" the knight of the Arryn family retorted, "There was nothing wrong with his body! "

  Prince Oberyn reminded: "But he is over seventy years old after all."

  "Uncle!" Princess Arianne really wanted to seal her uncle's mouth at this time.

  Prince Oberyn sighed helplessly and had to shut up too.

  He also didn't expect that the performance he deliberately put on in order to appear tougher at the negotiating table turned out to be like this.

  Gods! He couldn't help thinking to himself, do you really like to tease the world so much?

  I don't know if they heard Prince Oberyn's defamation, but the gods finally gave their verdict.

  The closed door opened, and Maester Gilmore walked out with a heavy face.

  "How is your lord duke?"

  Facing the tense gazes, Maester Gilmore sighed and shook his head,

  "The time the gods are willing to give lord duke... is running out..."

  "What! "

The commotion began.

  Maester Gilmore had no choice but to try his best to calm everyone down, and said,

  "My lords, please come in, the Duke still has something to explain."

  "Okay!" The Reach nobles entered the house one after another.

  Princess Arianne also walked in after asking the guards for permission.

  And just as Prince Oberyn was about to step forward, he was stopped by the knights of the Reach.

  Maester Gilmore said, "My lord the duke specifically asked Prince Oberyn to come in."

  Hearing the maester's words, all the knights showed puzzled expressions.

  But they did not dare to go against the Duke's wishes, so they had to get out of the way.

  "It seems that his mind is still clear..." Prince Oberyn muttered in a low voice. Seeing that the knights of the Arryn family were about to go mad again, he quickly shut his mouth and strode into the room.

