
Chapter 7

[ Dear Miss Margaery Tyrell,

I apologize for troubling you with these trivial matters, but as the sponsor of this pioneering operation, I feel obliged to keep you informed of the latest developments. After we parted, I met Knight Todd Flowers and a hundred soldiers from the Tyrell family. They are all excellent fighters. Please convey my gratitude to Mrs. Olenna! Additionally, I recruited 108 dock laborers myself, and I believe they will also become important contributors to this development.

After spending a day in Highgarden to prepare food and equipment, we set off. We traveled south along the Rose Avenue and arrived near the Hive City in about a month. We plan to rest here before continuing south.

However, we encountered some difficulties. To my regret, I didn't expect that the march of more than 200 people would consume so much, especially with the newly recruited soldiers. I promised them a meal of meat every day, and now I fear I may go bankrupt before reaching the Red Mountain Range...

After several struggles, I have decided to confess and ask for your help. I understand that this request may be too much, so even if you refuse, I will not hold any grudges. I am simply worried that this development may come to an early end.

Sincerely yours most loyal knight,

Samwell Caesar ]

As Margaery sat on her hanging chair, swinging back and forth, her brown curly hair fluttered in the wind. Her delicate face wrinkled slightly, and she looked pitiful as she read the letter.

"What's wrong? Whose letter has our little princess so worried?"

The question came from a young man sitting in a wheelchair. He had a thin face, a beard, and a peaceful temperament.

This man was Willas Tyrell, the eldest son of House Tyrell and heir to Highgarden.

"It's not what you're thinking, brother," Margaery said, jumping off the swing and handing the letter to Willas with a pouty mouth. "It's from Samwell of the Tarly family. Can you believe it? He actually wrote to ask me for money. And it took him so long to get to the Hive City, did he crawl all the way?"

"Samwell? I remember that kid," Willas said, looking at the letter with an unconcealable smile on his face. "The pioneering knight who loves to eat golden tail shrimp, right? And you actually gave him money?"

"It was to cooperate with grandmother," Margaery said.

Willas furrowed his brow slightly. "I never asked before, but what is grandmother's intention in sending Knight Todd and a hundred soldiers from the family guard to help this kid open up new territory?"

"I don't know the specifics of what grandmother has planned," Margaery said, shrugging. "I only know that she's dealing with Dorne."

"Dorne..." Willas trailed off, looking down at his crippled leg.

Dorne was located in the southernmost part of Westeros, separated from the Reach by the Crimson Mountains.

Dorne was located in the southernmost part of Westeros, separated from the Reach by the Red Mountains.

They have been neighbors since ancient times, and the battle between Dorne and the River Bend has lasted for thousands of years. Legend has it that the Red Mountains were once green, but the blood of soldiers who died during the long-term war between the two places turned them red.

During a martial arts tournament, Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne broke Willas' leg, which only intensified the hatred between the Tyrell and Martell families.

Seeing her brother in a low mood, Margaret quickly comforted him by holding his hand and saying, "Don't worry, brother, we will make the Martell family pay the price!"

Willas smiled in relief and shook his head, saying, "Actually, I don't hate him. He beat me fair and square in the tournament, so I have no complaints. I know it's hard to believe, but Oberyn and I have kept in touch. He even shared a great recipe for cooking horse meat with me the other day. I'll inform the kitchen and we can try it tonight, haha."

Returning the letter to his sister, Willas said, "You can decide whether to continue funding the pioneer knight's request. If you need more money, just let me know."

Margaery wasn't sure if her brother's relief was genuine, but she didn't pursue the topic. After receiving the letter, she let out a helpless sigh.

  "Hmm, I must continue to support him. I can't let him come back so quickly."

  "Okay, how much should i send ?"

  "Five hundred... no, three hundred golden dragons. Huh, this time I'll remind that fat man and make him save some money!"


"Saving? Me? Do you think I'm short of money?" Gavin's sad face was met with Samwell's proud response.

"But master, the purchase funds you gave me before are almost used up..." Gavin tried to explain.

"So soon?" Samwell was surprised but remained calm.

Gavin was slightly relieved to see Samwell's nonchalant attitude, but he still tried to persuade him: "Master, there's really no need for you to be so kind to us. Although we promised to eat meat every day, we actually only need broth to drink. Giving us twenty pounds of meat a day like this is really extravagant..."

"How can you train and have the strength to fight without enough meat?" Samwell argued. "And as for money, don't worry, I am not short of it!"

Gavin felt helpless but also grateful for Samwell's generosity. "Master, you are truly the most generous knight I have ever seen,".

Samwell accepted Gavin's gratitude with ease and even gave him some golden dragons. "Okay, go to the market town and buy whatever ingredients you haven't bought before, no matter how expensive, just get me a sample ,".

"Yes, master," Gavin replied obediently.

Samwell's boldness was not merely pretense. While it was true that his development funds were running out, he firmly believed that the Tyrell family would not abandon him in his quest for success. After all, they had already dispatched a hundred elite soldiers; surely they wouldn't hesitate to provide additional funds.

Samwell was aware that Lady Olenna had her own schemes, but he understood that using and being used were mutually. And until the other party achieved their goal, he held the upper hand.

After sending Gavin away, Samwell headed to the camp and ordered : "Today's military training begins!" He immediately blew the rallying horn, and in no time, over a hundred newly recruited soldiers streamed out of the camp and lined up neatly in the open space.

To be honest, Samwell had no idea how to train troops. The only relevant experience he had came from the military training he received in college in his previous life. The original owner of his current body was forced by his father to undergo extensive military education, but these memories were not his own. Although he inherited them after crossing, they could not be perfectly integrated, much like shells scattered on a beach, which he painstakingly collected and organized.

Therefore, since then, Samwell had started to sort out the relevant military knowledge in the memory of the original owner, combining modern military theories learned from various film and television dramas and novels, such as "300", with his experience managing dozens of employees in his previous life when he was running a business. He continuously optimized and adjusted his methods in practice, gradually forming his own set of training methods.

As for the effect, Samwell wasn't sure, since it hadn't been tested in actual combat. But at least now these recruits could understand orders, and they could line up, walk, and perform some basic combat movements neatly, completely different from their original loose and disorderly state, which was a significant improvement.

In fact, Samwell was unaware that the military training method he had devised himself had impressed Todd Flower, who was secretly watching from the sidelines.

  At first, Todd had expected to witness Samwell's failure when he saw that he was recruiting recruits. He assumed that the well-known wastrel of the river bend would not be able to train soldiers, and predicted that all the recruits would flee before reaching the pioneering land.

  However, reality turned out to be completely different from his expectations. Not only did none of the recruits run away, but they became more and more disciplined. Within just one month, they already appeared to be decently trained soldiers. It was hard to believe that they were just common people.

  Todd's initial disapproval turned into serious interest, and he began to secretly observe every time Samwell trained the recruits. The unconventional training methods that Samwell used both shocked and frightened Todd.

  Could this still be the useless eldest son of the Tarly family? If Earl Randyll refused to acknowledge Samwell as his son, how powerful must the heir he favored be? Todd could see that Samwell had started off awkwardly, but had become increasingly skilled and confident as time went on. The appearance and temperament of the recruits under his training had undergone earth-shaking changes.

  Of course, Todd was aware that the recruits were just a show, and their combat effectiveness could not compare with that of the regular army. Nevertheless, the fact that Samwell had achieved such results in just one month was impressive.

  "Maybe it's because they're eating meat every day that they're so energetic," Todd heard his attendant, Carter, say sourly.


NOTE- what is rose avenue?

In the world of Game of Thrones, the Rose Avenue is a road that runs through the Reach, a region in the south of Westeros. The Reach is known for its fertile lands, which allow for the cultivation of a variety of crops, including roses. The Rose Avenue is said to be lined with rose bushes and is a scenic route that connects the various castles and keeps in the Reach.
