
Chapter 279: Levelling Up Just Like That

"Well, Duke, how long do you think this war will last?" Kael'thas asked.

Duke smiled slightly, "Are you asking as a friend in casual conversation, or as someone with an official title asking the Alliance's deputy commander?"

Kael'thas replied with a light smile, "As a friend."

"That makes it simpler. It depends on how many neutral forces the reckless orcs manage to infuriate. The more they provoke, the faster the orcs' downfall."


"Don't be fooled by the fact that the Alliance has united eight kingdoms against the Horde. There are still quite a few neutral forces on this continent that haven't joined the war," Duke explained.

"Such as?"

"Such as the goblins in the southernmost part of the Southern Continent in Stranglethorn Vale, the Wildhammer dwarves in the Hinterlands of the Northern Continent, or the far north of Quel'Thalas..."

At this point, Kael'thas couldn't help but sigh. He then looked up, "What if the status quo is maintained?"

"That would depend on how long the Bronzebeard dwarves of Ironforge can hold out. If they fall before the Alliance counterattacks, it's possible that this could turn into a long-term stalemate between the two continents of the Eastern Kingdoms. A hundred-year war wouldn't be out of the question."

Kael'thas looked uneasy, "What if all these forces you mentioned join the fight against the Horde?"

Duke raised a finger, "Within a year, the Horde would be defeated."

"That's the best news I've heard recently," a soft, clear voice came from the doorway of the private room. Two beautiful female figures appeared, and the one speaking was Jaina, who had recently taken a liking to Duke.

Jaina, who had just received Duke's magical compliments and garnered the envy of numerous Dalaran female mage apprentices, was still unaware that this was a mischievous idea Duke had secretly put into play. Now, Jaina's fondness for Duke was certainly not low. However, when compared to a certain prince of Lordaeron, her fondness was still quite a bit lower.

Dressed in a light blue magic robe, Jaina performed a graceful curtsey towards Duke.

"Lord Marcus, we meet again," Jaina said cheerfully, her face full of sunshine, seemingly dispelling the gloom of war.

The other person was the one Duke had been waiting for—Jandice Barov, the eldest daughter of the Barov family, only 15 years old.

It was clear that Jandice inherited her beauty from her mother, no, she should be even more beautiful than Duchess Illucia.

Interestingly, Jandice's appearance was more in line with Eastern aesthetics.

Her skin was white and delicate, like an ivory carving.

Her long, black, shiny hair was parted in the middle, obediently falling from her ears to her chest. A beautiful silver hair ornament adorned her forehead, with a bright, crystalline sapphire embedded in it. Her exquisite, unblemished face seemed like it could break with a touch, and under her slender, willow-leaf eyebrows, a pair of enchanting, icy blue eyes captivated all who gazed upon them.

Her skillfully crafted willow-leaf eyebrows and her straight, beautiful nose seemed to come alive as her nostrils quivered ever so slightly. Below her prominent, elegant nose was a small cherry mouth that, despite the absence of lipstick, appeared even more vivid and enticing than those who wore it. Her well-defined, rosy lips resembled ripe cherries ready to be picked at any moment. ...

Even draped in loose-fitting mage robes, it was easy to see that she had a perfectly proportioned body, with a slender waist that was neither too thin nor too rounded, making her look like a model.

A truly beautiful woman.

In terms of appearance, Jandice was no less attractive than other beauties Duke had seen, such as Princess Calia, or Alleria. She was even slightly more attractive than a younger Jaina Proudmoore. If there was any area where Jandice fell short in comparison, it was her temperament.

Princess Calia exuded nobility and kindness, Alleria combined the wildness of a ranger with the elegance of a high elf, and Jaina was intelligent and extremely confident, while Jandice...

Although the Barov family was a high-ranking noble family, and it was evident that Jandice had received excellent upbringing, she appeared more... submissive.

Upon seeing Duke, Jandice quickly scanned him before breaking eye contact. She lowered her eyelids, bowed her head slightly, and executed a very standard lady's curtsy.

"Nice to meet you, Duke Marcus. I am Jandice Barov," she said, her timid voice eliciting a desire to either tease or protect her.

Duke sighed quietly. This demure nature made Jandice a good candidate for a political marriage and a good wife for a man, but she would never be a hero like Alleria who could stand on her own.

"Has your mother informed you of the details, Jandice?" Duke asked.

"Yes, in fact, she personally used magic to communicate the message to me."

Duke considered this for a moment. "Well, that makes things easier. Right now, I am essentially a Sky Mage, so it might seem strange for me to teach someone like you, a peak Earth Mage. For now, you will be my assistant. Once I've passed this winter and become a Morning Star Mage, we can determine our relationship then."


Little did Duke know, his words had stirred up a storm in the hearts of Kael'thas and Jaina. Becoming a Morning Star Mage wasn't something one could easily accomplish.

At the level of Morning Star Mage, one could be honored with the title of 'Master.'

Above that, at the level of Radiant Moon, one would be a rare and exceptional existence, with mages at this level often being powerful leaders. For example, Kael'thas, Kel'Thuzad, and Archimonde, regardless of their origins, could easily obtain titles like Duke or Prince.

As for Sun-level mages, there were only two in the entire world.

Duke spoke of leveling up as casually as eating and drinking. If it were anyone else, they would be considered a braggart. But he was Duke, the man who had twice thwarted the plans of over twenty thousand orcs and burned half of Elwynn Forest.

During the meeting with Duke at the Kirin Tor Council, Kael'thas was deeply impressed by him: everything Duke did seemed to be well thought out, as if nothing in the world could escape his prediction. It seemed that men like him rarely boasted and had no need to lie in such matters.

Duke's confidence only proved that he had a 100% certainty.

It should be noted that Duke would only be 16 years old next year!

A 16-year-old Morning Star Mage?!

If it weren't for his position as Deputy Commander of the Alliance and his many brilliant achievements, this alone would have made Duke the brightest star in the world of mages.

