
Keeping Up With The Browns I

It was perfectly natural for one man to covet many women in his illustrious life and, in fact, such an idea had always been the go-to discipline of many religious zealots over the centuries.

The holiest of texts had once said to "Be fruitful and multiply!" and it appears that Congressman Brown had taken those words to his heart.

Why does Irwin have this thought? Well, It all came together when he, along with Dean, Bobby, and Ellen, entered the refurbished apartment building of Congressman Brown.

The grand halls of the apartment lobby lay as an active campaign office for the next senatorial race. Plastered all over the beige walls was the sepia-toned face of Anthony Brown, along with his slogan: "Stronger Together"

It was alright at best and sub-par compared to other candidates, but given that the Republican caucus had already given the man their vote and the media loved him and his wife's story, a crappy slogan wasn't really going to drag him down.

Dozens of volunteers and office workers mill about, running documents and coffees to other, more important cogs in the politician's war machine. If not for the three of his compatriots wearing mute green slacks and dirty jackets, then Irwin would have fit right in.

Weirdly enough, Dean sniffed hard and long before sighing in relief. "God, I love the smell of coffee and freedom in the morning!"

Irwin deign not respond to the hunter's sudden patriotism and smiled at the approaching Congressman Brown, alongside him were five women that all had something in common.

They were all drop dead gorgeous, as if Irwin was once again in the presence of angelic beauty. From fair, olive skin to flawless dark tones; eyes that could pierce the truth of the very heavens, ranging from the colors of the rainbow to the hues that permeated the very Earth; and, by far, the complexity of their smiles made Irwin's heart quiver and nearly seize.

"I, uh, wow. What an entourage, Congressman." Irwin shook the man's hand yet his eyes were trained in on the young woman to his left.

Brown giggled with delight and a little smugness as he presented the five other women. "What can I say? Politicians need to be catchy. Uh, may I present the love of my life and the glue that holds my brain together."

He rubbed the shoulders of the young woman to the left, which, based on Irwin's amateur understanding of skins, was almost a decade younger than the Congressman.

"Linda Brown, Mr Greythorne." Linda smiled at Irwin, flashing her pearly whites that complimented her brown, almost olive skin tone.

Irwin furrowed her brows at her deep voice and couldn't help but ask, "My god. How old are you?"

"Richard." Ellen admonished.

Linda, however, merely giggled softly and, strangely enough, Irwin felt his heart flutter in response. "I am somewhere in the 40's."

"Jesus Christ." Dean blurted out, earning chuckles and glares from each side.

 "I'm sorry about him. Richard Greythorne." Irwin took his hand off the husband and gently grasped the wife's hand and gave it a quick kiss. "I hope I'm not too forward in saying that I think that even if he won the senatorial race, his most impressive endeavor is gaining you as his spouse."

"You aren't." Linda responded smugly.

"I feel weird about this," Congressman Brown said all of a sudden before his wife pets his cheeks affectionately. "Alright. This is my assistant, Nima. And, uh, Suzie Anne–"

"I was worried you weren't going to introduce us, Anthony." Suzie Anne was a voluptuous woman who wore a green dress that hugged her figure tightly. Her brown hair with strips of purple streaks bobbed in place as she walked up to Irwin and held her hand out. "Suzie Anne Ramos, it's a pleasure meeting such a handsome man."

"Please, Miss Ramos. The pleasure is all mine." Irwin couldn't help but be enraptured by her smile and the deep dimples in her olive skin. The kiss was quick, yet there was an intimacy to it that kept Irwin into wanting more.

"I don't suppose you're Christian, are you, Congressman Brown?" Irwin asked, earning their confusion.

"Uh, no, I'm protestant, actually." Congressman Brown answered. "Uh, how about we go upstairs and let you guys rest for a while?"

Congressman Brown and, under Irwin's understanding, his harem of beautiful women moved towards the elevator. Footsteps from Ellen and Bobby soon followed them, with Dean clamping his hands into Irwin's shoulders.

"You didn't introduce us." He said, still looking at the women.

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's all good." Dean sighed. "Do you see–"

"Yes, I did."

Dean bit his lips. "Do you think one of them–"

"I don't know, Dean. But, you know what?"

"What?" His eyes showed a hint of hope.

"We can ask them."

Dean broke into a huge smile. "Right behind you, big guy!"


Nima, a rather short-haired girl with a docile personality, had been Congressman Brown's secretary for the last five years, accompanying him throughout his campaigns, events, and regular visits to Washington. It had occurred to Irwin that, much like Suzie Anne and Linda, Nima had a certain charm for her that seemed to evaporate any semblance of curiosity in his mind.

As if the moment he laid eyes on her petite body, something other than his mind took control of his body, something more primal and basic. An instinct of sorts, one that Irwin had never known to be so aggressive before.

Frankly, he wasn't the only one being that way. Ellen had been, for some time now, keeping her eyes on the African beauty with precious silvery hair that greeted us the moment we entered the fourth floor of the apartment building.

"Ah, let me introduce you to my family, friends, and the staff that solely works on the fourth floor." Congressman Brown clapped his hands as Mrs. Green, the elderly woman who cooks for the people on the floor, handed us our drinks.

He pointed towards Nima, who smiled softly and bowed her head. Her gray silk blazer accentuates the fine curves underneath her blouse and pencil skirt.

"Nima handles my scheduling and works hand-in-hand with my campaign manager. I wouldn't be here without her." She blushes at the words before Congressman Brown rubbed his wife's back. "Then there's, uh, Suzie Anne–"

"I don't work for him. I'm just here every day because he can't take care of his wife!" Although Suzie Anne had said it with playfulness in her voice, there was a hint of contempt thrown towards Brown at the end. Clearly, not everything was jolly in their life.

"What do you, then? If you don't mind me asking." Dean leaned forward, showing the woman a cheshire grin.

She leaned forward, too, and tilted her head as she answered, "I own a flower boutique a block away, maybe you can check it out on the way out of here."

"Sounds like you want us to leave as soon as possible." Dean grinned.

"Maybe… If that's how I can get you in my shop all… alone." Suzie Anne crossed her legs, showing something to Dean that made the man gulp audibly.

Being so close, Irwin palmed his face and whispered. "Jesus, man. Calm your tits."

"Shut up. I got dibs." He whispered back.

The other people in the room were not completely oblivious to the conversation between Suzie Anne and Dean, but both sides had apparently figured out how to tune out their respective companions.

While they were busy making conversation, with Bobby intent on questioning the Congressman on his background and Ellen noticeably curious about the place, Irwin focused on the weird sensations he had been feeling ever since he came into the apartment.

His Danger Sense wasn't really blaring like it did whenever he stepped foot on Dagon's Island, nor was it entirely silent. A subtle display of danger kept Irwin from enjoying the delicious coffee that had been placed on the table.

Irwin pursed his lips as he asked, "Uh, I can't seem to notice the lady you were with during the airplane accident?"

Congressman Brown gulped audibly as he chuckled at his question. "Uh, well, that was a representative from Washington, the Capitol, and, uh, I was interviewing her for a job here in California. It seems that she, uh, rejected the, uh, job after the accident. Terrible news, unfortunately, because she has a bright future ahead of her."

"Ah, I see." Irwin scrunched his nose yet still smiled, seeing as the man's wife had a curious look on her face.

'What a shitbag. He keeps fucking around when there's a boatload of hot women around him. If I was him–What? Alright, calm yourself. What is happening?' Irwin closed his eyes for a moment, breathing out in order to calm himself.

After he opened his eyes, a twitch in Suzie Anne's face startled him. There was something wrong with him and he did not know what it was.

'Was it the coffee? Had I been poisoned?' Irwin rejected the idea at first, citing that Congressman Brown was naïve in the ways of the supernatural to have a poison that could affect his body, but Brown was not naïve in the ways of the real world.

Still, his Enhance Physique could see him through until he was in his own room and away from prying eyes. In the meantime, Irwin blinked and let his earrings gather data about the people in the room.

[Anthony Brown - Class 1 Creature]

[Suzie Anne Ramos - Class 1 Creature]

[Linda Brown - Class 2 Creature]

[Dean Winchester - Class 1 Creature]

[Robert Singer - Class 1 Creature]

[Nima - Class 1 Creature]

[Ellen Harvelle - Class 1 Creature]

'Son of a…' He smiled at Linda, easing the worry in his brows. 

"Was it that Malinda girl, Anthony?" Suzie Anne asked with a smile that seemed to say, 'I know something that your wife doesn't know'.

"Ah, yes. Malinda. She rejected and, uh, is still working in the Capitol." Congressman Brown nodded furiously.

Linda narrowed her eyes with a weird expression on her face. "Ah, while we wait for Mrs. Green to serve dinner, Richard told us that you'd be staying for tonight?"

"Yeah, this jackass' brother needs some time alone." Bobby, still annoyed by Dean, answered.

Linda's smile twitched ever so softly. "Well, that's alright. How about Suzy and I escort you to your rooms and let these two talk for a bit?"

"That'd be great, honey." Congressman Brown kissed his wife and escorted her out of her seat.

Irwin nodded at the other three and said, "It's safe, so don't worry. I'm just gonna finish my business with the Congressman."

Suzie Anne briefly touched Dean's denim jacket as she swayed out of the room, her voice reverberating across the hall as guided them alongside Linda.

As soon as all but Irwin and Congressman Brown were left in the room, Irwin slid his chair across the carpeted floor and asked in all seriousness.

"Tell me, Congressman, how'd you marry someone that pretty and still cheat on her with a Capitol bimbo?"
