
Let's do it

"When did you arrive?"

The scene across me stands a table full with dishes on the surface. You can call it a feast for a certain celebration even. "Two hours ago. I had to prepare quickly to get everything done" A smile spreads across Zander's face. He is always beaming, as if nothing bothers him in world.

"So, how did you handle the mess?" As we both settle down at the table, I throw a query. I really ponder what the chaos is though. But this man does not appear to wish to divulge. In that case, I have to dodge that part. Zander's lips drag out a low sigh. "You could say it got worse" 

Huh? Worse? Is he being serious? Didn't he disappear to take care of the mess? How come it is worse than before now? "Yet, you are here with all fine body? Don't devils receive punishment or some like humans?" A scowl displays across my face. The situation is perplexing.
