
Blessed Be The Lord and His Servants

Micheal POV:

His aspects of chaos and debauchery collided with my aspects of order and purity and mine overpowered his leaving him dazed and confused after the altercation. He forced himself coughing up a mix of Ichor, Coke, and a viscous black opaque substance. The dark substance was sin given liquid form being forcefully removed from his soul. Chiron broke the silence that permeated the air "Mr. D I would like to remind you that Zeus put you on probation and fighting angels will not restore your position on Olympus any faster". The god glared at him and huffed quickly leaving the room. Why he would even think that attacking a child heaven has set their eyes on was a good idea alludes me. Chiron turned to the satyr "You did your best Grover however Mr. D will still want to talk to you about your performance, you know he isn't actually mad just disappointed".

Percy asked "wait Olympus is real and there is a palace there?" Chiron then went on a tangent about how the actual palace moves to where the gods hold most influence and how western civilization is a force that the gods are a part of that unless western civilization falls the Gods will never fade. Eventually Chiron transformed back into a centaur with a white horse body he then took Percy outside of the room and to the cabin he we staying in.

I felt the world shimmer around me. Suddenly I hear the sounds of wind chimes and fires burning and I know Uriel the fire of God and angel of the earth is nearby he whispers in my mind "Gaia is crying out louder than before her awakening is near. Her kin-slayer children are reaching through her skin grasping at the chance of life once more" "I know Uriel get to the point please". "Its bad Micheal real bad heaven is working as fast as it can we have halted most of her children from reforming but it is only temporary so please hurry". His voice then disperses from my mind as fast as it appears and I sigh this is why Gabriel is the messenger of Heaven not Uriel.

I stop and kneel to pray for protection on this journey. My wings glow, my halo grows wider, and my eyes shine gold as I say

O Deus, omnipotens et misericors, custodi animas nostras et corpus ab omnibus malis, ab insidiis diaboli, ab errore et scandalo mundi, et a morte aeterna.

Adjuva nos, Deus, et protege nos a periculis quae nos circumstant.

Sis nobis defensor in hac vita et in morte judicis.

Fiat voluntas tua, ut semper in tua pace vivamus, et ad aeternam felicitatem perveniamus.


Sorry If this chapter seems a bit rushed I have exams soon and I didn't want to leave you guys hanging. And as always give some feed back on what you want to see and what you feel i should do differently. Thanks for reading

IDontCarecreators' thoughts