
Informant Guild Master

All of the card sets are as follows.

Locked - Dawn of Mythical Age - Prototype

Unlocked - The Golden Age Of Atlantis

Unlocked - The Sinking Of Atlantis

Unlocked - The War Of Gods And Heroes 

Locked - The Revenge of Atlantis - Prototype

Locked - The Ragnarok Tales of The Rebel God

Unlocked - The Rise of Camelot 

Unlocked - The Crusade Of Light And Darkness 

Locked - The Rule of The Backstreet 

Locked - The Cosmic War - Prototype

Locked - The Rise of The Machine- Prototype

Daniel glanced at the list and noted that out of the ten sets he had prepared a decade ago, including all the prototypes that hadn't been completed yet, he had unlocked five sets. Initially, these ten sets were designed for a two-year sales cycle, with a new set planned for release each quarter.
