
A Calm Before A Storm (Japan Arc)

However, Gluttony and Pride caught sight of Daniel's lean, muscular, naked upper body revealed through the bathrobe. The two blushed—Gluttony a little, but Pride turned as red as a tomato. She clearly fidgeted and seemed embarrassed at such a scene.

"Oooo ho hoooo! You're damn hotter than you look, Magitek. No wonder Wrath was so crazy for you."

"Get your ass out before I kick your ass out, Gluttony," Daniel said sternly, continuing to check the communication device the metal scarabs had just made.

"Oh! Right, nearly forgot. Don't forget to come to the executive meeting room yesterday; someone's waiting for you," Gluttony said before leaving the room with Pride, teasing her nonstop.

Daniel nodded in acknowledgment and continued checking.
