
Other opportunity; Tower of heaven

Regardless, back to the important thing, Xu Zhiyuan revealed that all high-level continents don't really care about someone's continent rank.

In the end, everything is a lie. And the continent ranks were only put there for the sake of appearances, to create a sense of competition and hierarchy among the continents.

"Since it's all about pretense, who created these ranks in the first place?" Chen Tian, filled with skepticism, questioned who originally created these ranks.

Xu Zhiyuan's expression turned grim as he pondered the question.

"Maybe it's best not to talk about it," Xu Zhiyuan finally replied. Clearly, Xu Zhiyuan didn't want to discuss it further.

Chen Tian nodded in understanding, sensing that there was more to the story than Xu Zhiyuan was letting on.

Although he decided to temporarily set the topic aside, a seed of doubt continued to linger in Chen Tian's mind.
