
A captain

While Myalis and the others were eating, her bracelet began pulling and her brows furrowed as she looked at it then sighed before getting up and placing her food down. 

The others looked at her and she grabbed her things then looked back at them as they stared and her eyes narrowed, for she didn't want them to know what she was up to, not as yet at least. 

"Where are you going?" The prince asked. 

"I have an urgent meeting with someone, I don't know what time I will be back, I don't want anyone to follow me, we will talk more when I get back, in the meantime, stay together and safe, can you guys do that for me?" She asked as they exchanged glances. 

"Sure, if that's what you want but please try not o get hurt," Ziza responded and Myalis smiled at her. 

"I won't, I will kill whoever tries to, simple as that," She said as she left and they looked at each other, before sighing and none of them dared to follow her. 
