

Myalis left the living room and went to her room where she sat down on her bed then exhaled deeply before looking at her hands, knowing that her fire ability had gotten much stronger than it was before and she had to control it and decided to go practice. 

Myalis went to her usual practice spot and after Ziza had finished changing out of her uniform, she joined Myalis and the girl looked at her before approaching her. 

"Ziza, what happened at the academy today?" Myalis asked as flames formed in the palm of her hand and Ziza glanced at her. 

"How do you know about that?" Ziza asked and Myalis approached her. 

"It doesn't matter, I just do, now are you going to start talking?" She asked as she leaned in closer to Ziza and the girl's eyes widened as her cheeks flushed. 

"C- Close... Too close," She mumbled, then looked away from Myalis and a smirk appeared on her face. 
