
Get along

After all of the other students had arrived, Myalis looked at them, then yawned since she was feeling a little sleepy due to not sleeping well lately because of the voices and sounds she had been hearing. 

"Okay, guys, line up," Ryu said and Myalis took her spot as did Raine and the others since both the upper-level and lower-level students were there from each academy. 

"Today the test will be similar to the first time, we will be testing your control on your own abilities as well as the range you can use it and how you can manipulate it, where you need to improve on, work on in order to start to master your abilities," Ryu said. 

"When it comes to control and manipulation, the upper level is higher than the lower level, even the range of their abilities is much further than the lower level, the lower level has good control though and some are good at manipulating their abilities but very view can use it to their will," The female teacher added. 
