
Last words

Myalis was confused as to what her mother was talking about, but despite this, she paid close attention to what she had to say because she knew her mother didn't have much time left.

"Mom... I don't quite understand," She said and her mother smiled as she placed her palm against her daughter's cheek.

"Here," She said, and a magical bag materialized on the girl's lap.

"Everything that you will need is in there, you need to go, let people believe that you are dead, and start over using your abilities and what things I gave you in the bag, go to the academy, you will see what you need to use in the bag... Find out the truth for yourself because I won't be able to tell you nor will anyone else be able to, get stronger than you currently are, sweetheart," She said and Myalis hugged her mother tightly before looking at the familiar.

"This is all much bigger than you think, plot and conspiracy, they are working for someone feared by most, get to the bottom of it, take your place, the one which belongs to you, don't trust people easily, this world is filled with those who only care about themselves, get a beast as well, you can do it, I will always be by your side and a few of my friends might be able to help you," She mumbled and Myalis smiled at her.

"I promise, mom, I will get stronger, and I apologize for my behavior earlier," She replied, and her mother chuckled, then placed her hand against the princess's forehead, and her eyes lit up blue, and a mark appeared on Myalis's forehead for a few seconds before disappearing, and her mother's eyes returned to normal, and her father as well as the others arrived home and rushed out of the carriage.

"They are here, please kiddo, go and always remember that even though the king is not your biological father, he is still your family, always protect them, they are not bad, but in order to do so, you must stay away and become someone else..." Myalis left staring at her, her eyes shaking, as she took her final breath.

The girl was stunned by what her mother had just said to her, and the barrier had finally vanished, and the king and the others that were with him rushed into the castle, calling out their names while looking at a few of the dead knights as well as the dead guy's wearing masks.

They rushed up the stairs and before they could reach the balcony Myalis stood up and wiped her tears, then grabbed the bag and she sighed before looking at her mother but the others were already nearing and she had nowhere to escape from.

"Myalis, I had a wonderful life with you guys, your family showed me what it's like to be a beast yet have a loving family and a place to call home, I am really grateful for that, I don't regret any of it, this is my farewell to you, take care kiddo," The creature that took her form said and Myalis looked at it as its eyes glowed blue and she gasped as she disappeared, then reappeared falling from the sky above the woods near the castle.

Myalis looked at the trees as she fell, and before she hit the ground and injure herself, she grabbed a large tree branch, pulled herself up in the tree then hugged it tightly before exhaling deeply. At that point, the knights that tried to get to them as first as well as the king and the others had already found the queen, along with Myalis's fake body.

Upon seeing their bodies, the prince knelt down and stared at his sister before lifting her up in his arm with his eyes glowing bright orange. The king's eyes widened as he looked at his son, and the prince then looked at his father and sighed.

"I am sorry, I..." The king said and the prince smiled at him with tears in his eyes.

"I don't blame you for this, never will and they won't want you to blame yourself either, the others are to be blamed for this, not you, father, we have things to take care of father..." He mumbled then the king sighed and wiped his eyes then lifted his wife up and the knights bowed their heads as the king and the prince walked away.

The girl carefully climbed down the tree, then looked at the castle before taking a deep breath and looking at the bag that her mother had given her, all while the rain began to pour down on her.

"I want to stay until mother's funeral, I don't even want to leave her, I want to stay with them but... I can't.." She mumbled as a masked guy who was still nearby, saw her and approached her.

She began seeing blurry then she held onto the cut she got on her side while her eyes and her entire body began glowing purple, she collapsed on the ground and the guy chuckled as four more of his companions approached him and he looked at them.

"Should we inform the boss about her?" One among them asked as Myalis clutched the grass and then took a deep breath despite the pain in her body, she ran off and he looked at her then smiled as his eyes glowed green.

"No, don't call on the boss, we will take care of this ourselves, she was supposed to be dead, if he finds out about this, he might kill us along with her for not making sure the job was done right, let's just take care of it and head back, she is injured she won't be able to get far, for some reason, she keeps falling," He responded as they exchanged glances and he looked at them then sighed.

"That's an order, come on, we cannot let this go any further than here," The guy said as he rushed off and they all followed him as Myalis ran through the woods.
