
An outlet to vent


{Sender: Legion}

{It was my dad}

{He used his connections and was why 3 of us were not selected}

{I think we should meet up; I am at our usual joint, I will wait for the both of you till 7:00am tomorrow and if no one shows up, I will go home}

After reading the full message, Endrick palmed his face, it didn't contain the information that he expected or betterstill hoped to see.

'Ugh…!' He groaned as he stood up from the ground where he slept.

His body ached slightly due to the hard floor, he was about to go to his bed to force himself back to sleep but just after one step, he paused.

A question floated to his mind. 'What should I do?'

For the first time since yesterday, perhaps due to the cool of the morning, his brain finally settled down as he analyzed his current situation.

'I fulfilled my secondary goal; I became the best player of the elite team trials yet I could not complete my 2nd system mission nor further my primary goal'.
