

"My loneliness is killing me ..."

"And I ..."

"I must confess I still believe."

"Still believe."

"When I'm not with you I lose my mind."

"Give me a sign ..."

"Hit me baby one more time."

The voices of two off-key men hurt the ears of everyone in the room. No one knew for how many hours Josh and Brandon had been singing, with no breaks in between. Coupled with the smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol permeating the air, Suga's head throbbed, to the point he was considering it would be better to return to his room.

However, he felt like he had no strength to stand, and his vision was slightly blurry. Jack, who had been quietly laughing, made Suga lift his head, which had been focused on the glass. Despite the background noise of the ear-splitting singing, Suga could still hear what Jack was saying.
