

"Looks like we've switched places," said Sofia as she woke up from her slumber to see that she was in the bed and Arthur was sitting beside her as he waited for her to wake up. However she had been unconscious for so long that Arthur placed his head on her thighs and decided to take a quick nap which he assumed she wouldn't wake up before him however he was mistaken. As such, Sofia caressed his head before trying to get up from the bed only to realize how much damage she had taken as she could barely move her arms let alone the rest of her body.

After a while though, Arthur decided to wake up only to see that Sofia had already awoke from her slumber. Seeing this, Arthur quickly backed away before stuttering to speak.

"I-, um-, but-" Arthur said as he tried to explain himself to which Sofia grabbed him by his face before kissing him.

"Thank you," said Sofia as she didn't realize that she was Arthur's first kiss. Even though he was almost 18 years old, she was the second female which wasn't a teacher that had actually had a proper conversation with him. Of course no one could be able to tell that as he was forced to be an outcast.

"No problem," said Arthur as he slowly backed away still with a dazed look on his face.

"Umm, I'll go buy some supplies," said Arthur before walking away like a zombie to which Sofia giggled before waving goodbye to him.

Arthur walked out of the house with the biggest smile in the world. It was as if he had completed his reason to live. The amount of happiness he felt was unimaginable.

"You see moron, if I had healed you previously, you would have left and looked for somewhere else to train. Now you actually took the time to get to know her, you're finally starting to live life like a normal human," said Lucifer to which Arthur ignored as he still hated him for not healing him previously but at the same time, he was grateful for that.

"Well, I guess it's time to go shopping," said Arthur before realizing that he was in a middle of an empty field. That was when he realized something. For quite a while, he had been in the middle of nowhere with some girl.

"Where do I even go to buy things?" Arthur asked to which Lucifer interrupted him.

"I can help you with that," said Lucifer before teleporting him to a near by village which seemed to have been filled with people that all had a smile on their faces. It was such a warm and welcoming place that Arthur didn't even question the reason it was that way and as such walked in there without bothering to question anything.

Nevertheless, Arthur began to walk around in search of a store as he needed to buy some simple ingredients even though he could have created them using spells, he chose to put in the effort to at least make it look like he cares for Sofia. Since the village that he had been teleported into was rather small, Arthur had no trouble finding a store which sold fresh ingredients which he was looking for and within just a couple minutes, he had just finished buying his stuff and walked outside the store to be greeted by a tall man that had one eye closed as there was a vertical cut on it.

"Hey, I don't remember seeing you around here. Are you new?" the man asked to which Arthur simply ignored him and began to walk away.

"Don't you know it's rude to ignore someone when they're talking to you," said the man as he quickly pulled out a katana looking blade before attempting to cut Arthur. At first, Arthur looked at the man as if he was some regular human and as such was going to attempt to block the blade with his hand however right before the blade hit him, Arthur backed away instantly.

"What the hell was that devilish aura?" Arthur asked to which the man that stood before him looked interested.

"Who are you kid? Any regular person or even people who're pretty strong would have directly dodged the blade or tried to challenge it however you, you decided to challenge my blade however when you realized the strike power behind it, you backed away. That type of sensory capability doesn't come from the average man. So tell me, who are you?" the man asked to which Arthur grit his teeth before reaching into his storage spacial dimension and trying to reach for his demon king armour.

"Make one wrong move and that hand if yours is mine," said the man to which Arthur listened as he knew that the man was perfectly capable of doing so.

"Okok, have it your way. My name is Arthur. I'm just some random kid that was stuck in a dungeon and got this strong after leaving it. I know it sounds ridiculous however that's just the truth," said Arthur to which the man sighed.

"I don't care how you got this powerful. I just want to know who you are. If this helps, tell me who you work for," said the man in front of Arthur which made Arthur pounder for a while before answering as it was his only choice.

"I'm a soldier for the country of Juno," said Arthur to which the man began to laugh.

"So they've got some crazy powerhouse now. How interesting. I'm afraid they shouldn't have let go of you," said the man that stood in front of Arthur. Seeing as how he had a long silky beard and thick moustache, it was scary seeing him laugh as if one wrong move could cause him to go nuts.

"What do you mean?" Arthur asked to which the man looked confused.

"Don't tell me you haven't heard. You should know this by now but Saturn with the help of the council of sorcery is going to war with the other major countries including Juno and I just happen to be the general of Saturn," said the man as he raised his blade in the air ready for battle.
