
New Friend

Over the next week, Arthur continued his classes day in and day out and by just a few days, he had completely forgotten about the incident that had taken place a couple days ago. Even so, Arthur couldn't help but get the urge to go back to the convenience store so that he could get the ice cream that he had wanted for so long.

"Hey Arthur, is everything all right? You seen to have not been in your zone for this week. Did something happen?" Egris asked to which Arthur looked confused.

"Have I? I mean I don't think that my progression has decreased in the least. In fact I believe that I'm proving faster than before like always," said Arthur to which Willam as well as Egris nodded in agreement.

"Yes, there's nothing wrong with your progression. It's just that you don't look interested in anything. Even your teachers have said the same thing. You're still an amazing student. It's just we're concerned if something went wrong," said Egris to which Arthur still looked confused which Egris could see.

"You know what, take a break for a while. There's no need for you to come back to school until you're all better," said Egris which made Arthur worry as they were investing so much time and money on him which Egris also noticed.

"Don't worry about anything Arthur. The most important thing right now is that you get better. Feel free to do anything in your free time. You're plenty strong too so you can explore the world as you wish. Just try to get better," said Egris before he gave him a pat on the back and sent him home.

"What does he mean that I have been out of my zone for a week? I mean I still feel pretty normal. There's nothing wrong with my progress as well so what could have possibly changed about me in the past week-" Arthur began to talk to himself before a sudden person interrupted his thought while he was walking on the street to his apartment.

"Hi!" said Terra as he jumped in front of Arthur.

"Huh? Oh it's you again. What are you doing here?" Arthur asked as he was in front of his building.

"Well, I've been looking for you all around the area for the past week. You saved my life so I wanted to talk you properly but I looked at every school and they didn't have anyone that fit your description. I mean it's not like the average person can be so strong that they can leap on building and jump such long distances. The only place that was left was this school and it made sense after all. I'm just glad I found you," said Terra as she handed Arthur a gift box and began to walk away as she prepared to leave.

"Oh thanks," said Arthur as he was about to wave goodbye to her before Lucifer interrupted him.

"Don't be an idiot. Invite her over for some tea or something. How can you be so dense? It's as if you were locked in a basement for your whole life. Oh wait, you were!" said Lucifer before laughing in Arthur's head which Arthur seemed annoyed however he listened to him as he have given him some pretty good advice.

After inviting Terra to his place, the two walked in to which Arthur seemed normal but Terra's jaw was on the floor from the shock that she was experiencing.

"W-What do your parents do for a living?!" Terra asked wondering how they could afford such an expensive place.

"Oh, my parents are dead," said Arthur casually to which Terra smacked him in the head in anger.

"That's rude to say even as a joke," said Terra to which Arthur looked annoyed.

"I'm not joking. They're actually dead. I live alone here," said Arthur to which Terra didn't believe him.

"Wait, really? I'm so sorry to hear that. Please forgive me for my ignorance. It just doesn't make sense to me how you they were able to afford this place. That must mean they were super rich and now you're living off of their assets right?" Terra asked to which Arthur shook his head in disagreement.

"Actually that's not the case. My parents were regular people that lived in a small town. They actually died when I was a kid. Long story short, I trained and got strong and now the military wants me to join them so they're giving me this place to live in so that I stay with them along with some other perks," said Arthur which amazed Terra. She didn't question what he said for two reasons. The first one being that he never lied to her since the moment the met and secondly, he was actually pretty strong in her eyes so it would only make sense that the military would want him.

"So doesn't it get lonely," said Terra to which Arthur didn't seem to understand what she meant.

"I mean I'm at school all day and I can just come home and rest. I don't know if it's because my childhood was rather boring on its own but the smallest things bring joy to me," said Arthur to which Terra seemed to understand.

"I guess coming from a rough place caused him to train to this point. How inspirational," said Terra to herself before making a suggestion.

"Since you don't have anyone to hang out with, or I assume that, how about I visit you some times?" Terra asked.

"I mean you don't seem that busy to me so there's no reason for you to complain," said Terra to which Arthur looked confused but agreed as she was right. At least now he had someone to talk to.

"I never noticed but she's kinda pretty," said Arthur to himself as he looked at the girl in front of him. She was a tall and skinny girl that had long blonde hair. Her eyes glowed in the sun and shined green. Her large t-shirt and short shorts made her seem causal and easier to approach. Arthur had made his first ever friend.
