

There was an awkward silence that was on the island as Willam simply couldn't believe that the people he was so close to were so evil. He thought them to be more kind. Even if he had expected a dark side from Yosel, he never expected Arthur to be like that as well.

However that silence came to an end when they all heard an explosion behind them.

"What the hell was that?" Yosel asked as he turned around to see someone slowly walking towards them as they exited the dust. Seeing as the person had found the island, it was clear that they were targeting one out of the 3 of them if not all of them.

"Do you know who might be attacking us?" Willam asked to which Yosel replied quietly while still trying to keep calm.

"I'm not exactly sure but it's probably the council of sorcery. They probably found out that I'm not working for them anymore," Yosel replied as the figure became more clear however it soon became evident that it wasn't a single figure but instead a whole group of people.

"It seems like it's a group attack, I believe that they're about a hundred of them. Seeing as the council of sorcery sends only a couple strong individuals for these missions, I doubt it's them which means there's only one other group that could be behind this attack," said Yosel before Arthur stepped forward.

"The military," said Willam as he recognized the camouflage uniform that they were wearing however they all seemed to have a different country badge on all of them.

"I see, so it seems multiple countries are here," said Arthur as he walked forward as he knew that they were there for him.

"Greetings sir Arthur," said the man in the front which was a tall and giant man considering how muscular he was. He had a long thick brown beard and wore a warm hat made for specially cold winters.

"I presume you know what we're all here for. Specially considering the performance you gave at that competition, it would only make sense for us to be interested in recruiting you," said the man as he talked with a smile on his face which seemed to be one bad reply away from snapping.

"I have a question," said Arthur.

"Yes, Go ahead," the man replied.

"What would happen if I picked one of the countries to join? Wouldn't the rest try to attack me," said Arthur.

"Well, actually no, not at all. You see, if you choose a country, you instantly become a part of their military. If another country were to successfully kill you, there would be war between the two countries as killing you would means declaration of war," the man explained.

"I see, what if I were to refuse-" Arthur began to speak to which the man quickly became angry before trying to land a punch at Arthur's face.

"I don't think that would be the best option for you, specially if you treasure your hand," said Arthur with a smile as he had the blade that he had recovered for winning the competition in his hand as it was pressing on the hand of the man in-front of him as if he was going to slice it off. If the man had tried to make contact with Arthur's face, his hand would be cut before he could accomplish that.

"Oh wow, that's quite a first," said the man as be burst into laughter before pulling his hand away.

"Everyone, go back to your lands, this is over. The Juno country will be taking him in," said the man in the front which the people behind him seemed rather angry.

"I don't believe I've made myself clear enough, I said that this is over. Head home before I kill you, and I doubt that you would be willing to take our country on in a war," said the man to which the people seemed annoyed but even so, they headed home.

"Wow, that was rather bold of you. What makes you think that I would agree to join you," Arthur asked.

"I should introduce myself, my name is Egris, I'll be your captain from now on. The country which you will serve is known as Juno. It's a beautiful first world country which treats its citizens like royalty. Truly an opportunity like this doesn't come twice in a life time," the man said with a smile on his face.

"I-" Arthur began to speak before getting cut off.

"Look Arthur, I'll be honest, I've taken a great deal of interest in you. Personally, I've never went up to meet a new candidate. Usually, the other countries would compete for you, however the person we sent to inspect the battles said that you gave quite the showing and was even so bold as to bet his own life if I didn't find you to be impressive. It seems that he gets to live another day. I'll try to help you understand though, whatever you want, our country is willing to provide as long as you work for us. Is it money you seek? We have that, luxury? We'll give you a life like you've never imagined," said the man as he tried to sway Arthur.

"Or perhaps is it women?" the man said to which Arthur's eyes opened wide with hunger.

"Great! He took the bait," Egris said to himself.

"Perhaps you're looking for a woman to sit on your face for the entire day while she suffocates you with her thighs?" Egris asked.

"That's way too specific, who do you work for? Are you a detective? A private investigator?" Arthur asked.

"No no, I'm just a man with taste, so what do you say Arthur? Would you like to be a part of our army?" Egris asked to which Arthur smiled.

"Sure, just give me a chance to say goodbye to my friends," said Arthur.

"I'm going to miss you guys, seriously, thank you for everything you've done for me," Arthur began to speak before he noticed the disapproving look on Willam and Yosel's faces.

"What's wrong?" Arthur asked.
