
Polar Attraction {2}


William continued his delicate rubbing and more moans escaped me, the feeling was tingling and the sensation was making my brain go numb. It was so sweet and his delicate movement felt so loving, almost like he was taking his time with me, whatever it was I didn't want it to stop.

As if adhere to my wishes he didn't, and I noticed yet another strange movement as he continued rubbing me, the further he went the more I felt something part within me almost like his finger was on the verge of penetrating me, I was so eager to find out what he wants to do next and-

"Master, young miss, sorry for the disturbance"

At Elvenia's voice, it was like a wake-up call and a cease to all actions.

"The night has gotten chilly again and I worry the young miss will catch a cold"

As a cue to her words the next breath that escaped me was steam and a heavy shiver found me, when did it get so cold?

