

Outside of time and space exists a realm where no mortal can enter without permission from the master of the dimension, and in that very dimension right now are two people sitting opposite each other over a coffee table. The room is homely, as the walls are what one would find in a traditional Japanese home, and the doors are open outside to reveal a beautiful garden with lush green fauna, while the sun shines brightly in the sky and the chirping of birds is ingrained in the wind, which travels gently across the vast garden.

The two men sat opposite each other; one was a young man around his mid-to-late forties, and the other was a man even older than that; he had a very long grey beard and had his eyes closed while sitting opposite the much younger man as if he were a teacher counselling a student.

The apparel of the two men differs a lot as well; the old man is wearing a black kimono and the young man a classic Western suit.

"So, young man, do you understand the situation you are in now?" the older man asked in a grandfatherly tone.

"I believe I do; however, it is still a bit overwhelming to take in the reality of my death," the man says while rubbing the back of his neck and smiling a friendly smile.

"So dear boy, there are two options available to you now. You could either go back into the cycle of reincarnation or we could come to an arrangement," the older man says in an indifferent tone.

Wait, can I ask you some questions first?" the young man says in a cautious tone.

"Of course, young man, what would you like to know?" the old man says casually.

"Okay, first question, what is your name? I feel a bit rude not formally addressing you, and secondly, what exactly is the cycle of reincarnation?" The man quickly spits out

Well, a name, the mam pauses and begins to stroke his beard as he is lost in thought. You can call me Grain. As for the cycle of reincarnation, all you need to know is that you will lose all your memories, your soul will be thrown back into the world from which I bought you here, and your next life will start as a new person," the man says brazenly.

The younger man looks horrified, has gone pale, and manages to speak out. "You mean I would stop existing? I would no longer be me but just a blank soul trapped in some other body?" the man asks, panic in his voice.

No, your soul would still exist, so you would as well not be as you are now, but still, you would not vanish from reality; that's a completely different phenomenon we keep for special beings," Grain says, sounding more disinterested in the conversation the longer it went on.

"No, I would not exist. All a person has are the memories and values he has. If he has no memories of himself or the values he holds dear, he is a new person. This blank soul wouldn't be me; it would just be a blank canvas for a new person to be born on. I would no longer exist." The man argues with some frustration in his voice.

"Then, I take it, you will come to an agreement with me." Grain says it in a more jovial tone.

"It seems as if I have no other choice; it's either complete annihilation or a compromise to keep living," the man says, sounding defeated.

Good, we'll let me tell you I need something from you, and if you agree to give it to me, I will allow you to keep all your memories, exist as you are, and even live in the mortal world again." Grain says in a proud voice:

So, Mr. Grain, what do you need from me?" the man says in an anxious voice.

"What do all powerful people want to do in their immortal lives? Be entertained. Entertain me with your new life, and I shall help you live again as you are." Grain says it in a tone that leaves no room for discussion.

"I see I agree to your terms now I believe there is more to this than simply me living again you did mention multiple or at least implied there are multiple worlds so I take it I will be going to one of these worlds," the man says.

"Quite the deductive skills you have there for a history teacher or failed singer, young man, should I send you to find out who Jack the Ripper was for me?" Grain responded with some mirth in his voice.

"It was elementary, my dear Grain, but I believe you already have a destination in mind for me and a plan you wish to follow, don't you?" the man says accusingly, his eyes narrowing just a bit.

Yes, I plan to send you into the world of a song of ice and fire as I'm interested in watching some political shenanigans, backstabbing, and drama. You mortals are very entertaining when you scheme," Grain says with some condescension in his tone.

"At least it's a world I'm familiar with. Are you going to give me any wishes or is this just me going in with only my meta-knowledge as my weapon?" the man asks in a cold voice.

"Ha, no need to try and put on a mask just yet, my boy wishes. Why do so many of you mortals ask for that? I'm not a genie, but no, you don't get wishes. I will however give all of you some perks," Grain says in a more condescending tone.

"Why not wishes if you're going to already give me things?" the man asks, a bit annoyed.

"Because if I gave you wishes, most of you would strip me of all the entertainment I get by wishing for either sometimes like Superman's powers or complete mastery of magic, which I would restrict, so just giving you this saves time and arguments for both of us," Grain says a bit annoyed.

Grain pauses and strokes his beard for a bit lost in thought and then says " I have decided on what you will get first you will get the compass of captain jack sparrow which you can summon and send away to a private dimension at will secondly you will if you are a Targaryen or bond with a dragon have your dragon grow at absurd speeds he or she will grow very fast so fast that it will be absurd to most people and lastly I have decided to give you the ability called King of Combat this ability will allow you to grow to be the best fighter in your world in any melee fight as long as you train you will completely master any weapon and will also give you peak human physique " the man says in a tone that implied that one should worship him for his generosity

"You're being a bit tight-fisted; don't you think I mean no magic or anything?" the man says, sounding a bit despondent.

"You think I could throw you into a world where 9-foot-tall Amazonians have enslaved all men and use them for their sadistic pleasure as pets and toys as a man and charge you with leading a rebellion within 20 years of being born to overthrow them and reverse the situation or risk being sent back to the cycle of reincarnation if you fail? No, I have given you the freedom to do what you want and to be relatively successful in that world. Don't back talk me, boy. I have sent men younger than you to worlds of extreme horrors without any help because I was disrespected. Don't make that mistake again or I will send you to a world you can only fear and dread. Grain says anger in his voice.

"I see" is all the man can say before Grain waves his hand and the man disappears.

"Don't you think you were too hard on him? A feminine voice flutters into the room" as a tall and very attractive brunette walks into the room previously occupied by two men.

"Not at all; he has the ability to be one of my best toys, even better than that boy who turned all the vampires in the world into pets for humans, well, the female vampires at least," Grain says, chuckling as he begins to transform to look like a young man in his early twenties.

"Really, do you think he could be that sadistic and heartless? He seemed pretty decent from my observations, although a bit too prideful, but nothing too out of the ordinary," she says in contemplation as he throws her slender arms around Grain's neck.

"My dear wife, you always see the best in people, but someone as malevolent as me can sense a kindred spirit. That man has his monster locked up, but if we give him the thing he has always wanted and then put it at risk of being taken from him, the monster will run loose, and I will enjoy the carnage and despair he causes," Grain says, chuckling.

"Oh, and what would that thing be that he so covets?" she said in mock curiosity.

"An orphan with no real ties in his old world, if I give him a decent family in this world and put them in a tumultuous position, well, let's just say it will be fun to watch," he says while laughing.

The end

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