

Six months had passed in the blink of an eye, and Fir lay still on the farmhouse floor, his breathing slow and controlled.

But suddenly, a gunshot rang out, aimed directly at his head.


With lightning-fast reflexes, he managed to dodge the bullet with ease. He may not be as fast as before, but he was already calculating the bullet's trajectory before it even left the gun's barrel.

"Excellent job, Fir," William praised with a smile, a clear sign that he had come to respect his student abilities. It was a far cry from the condescending tone he had once used, no longer referring to him as "young blood." 

Fir had made incredible progress in just half a year. He had managed to control 20% of his adrenaline, a feat that took even William, a gifted hunter, three years to achieve.

"Thank you, William," Fir responded with a hint of respect in his voice. He learned a lot from William.

"Are you planning to leave now?" William asked.
