
884 Fetid Garden

Once Stephanie had recovered from her memories and was safely in Wolfe's arms, resting on his hip and wrapped around him, the others began to look for a way forward.

"Why don't we send a lightning sprite down every tunnel? We can track them, and if something happens to them, we will know that it is the wrong way." Ella suggested.

"That sounds like a solid idea to me. If we all cast a couple, it will be easier to keep track of them, and we can send them down different exits. I'm not sure if the ones on the second level even leave the structure where we are now, but as we're underground, it's possible that they all lead to entirely different neighbourhoods or challenges." Wolfe agreed.

"Do you think that this place was created just for the challenge?" Ella asked.

"It seems likely that it was. They're mimicking what we did to their people, so logically they would make a whole new place to challenge us."
