
_ The Blue-haired one is back

Cargan entered his room and stripped immediately. He was glad he had an excuse to escape the stress of having a long-time-range intercourse.

"While I'm in with my wife, I want you to go and check up on my brothers yourself and see to it that they are already in the lobby for the meeting." He told his orders to Celio while getting his shoes off.

Celio was about to nod and walk away when Cargan stopped him once more.

"When are the detectives coming by the way?" He questioned.

"I scheduled your meeting with them for after the princes leave the line," Celio answered.

Cargan took a bit of time to process that and in the end, expressed his approval. "That's okay even though I have no desire to have a conversation with those annoying beings but I guess I have no choice."

"Yes, your eminence, you don't have a choice. If the case is to be solved and easily move forward, we have to cooperate with the divine cops." Celio supplied, already moving out.
