
_ Ma. Danice is a lovely sore



Stepping into the house, she found the entire living room was flooded. It was very unbelievable yet, not new to see that Ma. Danice had rather come over to her house looking for her than find actual help.

"Oh, heavens! Why did you let it get this bad?!" Her tone couldn't be controlled anymore.

She wanted to lash out at the woman for waiting until things got that bad.

Ma. Danice, however, felt nothing wrong with her actions. "Just boil the water away, blue. The house will be as dry as dust in a jiffy!" Her tone was filled with enthusiasm.

Afina was left dumbfounded and at a loss for what to say. She stood transfixed, her legs dipped into the water, and her hands akimbo.

Boiling the water away or whatever Ma. Danice said was not what she thought she could do.

Turning to the old woman, "What if I only ended up putting the whole house in flames instead?" she threw her hands listlessly in the air and said.
