
3.46 Casino pt.4

Leonid flashed paler than a ghost as their gazes dropped on the bone jutting through the ghastly white skin of his wrist. The hand was hanging loosely on his arm, broken by unknown forces.

The deafening silence fell over the table.

Leonid Vladislav didn't scream.

Sweat dotted his pale visage, but not even his eyes twitched, unfazed.

"Is it true vampires can heal anything if they drink blood?" Thanh Van broke the silence, his attention on the bone threatening to pierce through the paper-thin skin.

"Why? Are you volunteering?" Leonid's gaze darkened as it fell on the bare neck of Thanh Van, an unquenched hunger lining his tight voice.

"Sure," Thanh Van smiled, giving the vampire the middle finger. "Take this-"

"Mr Vladislav," the NPC cleared its throat, breaking the hostile energy between the two players.

"Please spin again."
