
I Won On This.

Excietment burst out of Adele and for a second, it rendered her numb in the best way possible. 

She was exxecively happy to welcome a new member of the family. Somehow, she remembered her child and that brought a wide smile to her lips. 

"Come here!" Adele exclaimed and drew Arissa into her arms. She wrapped her hand around her sister's neck and wept happily. 

Arissa wrapped her hands around Adele's back and buried her face in her sister's neck, with her hair pouring over 

Seeing the proximity of the hug, Nicklaus was about to take a step closer to them. He can't risk Arissa or the baby getting hurt from the hug. 

The hug looked so tight. 

Collins read Nicklaus's body language and immediately held the man by the wrist to stop walking. "Let them be, it won't affect her," he murmured. 
