
He Fell With No Remedy.

Arissa pulled her wrist off Nicklaus's hold. She was tired of all the attention she had been receiving from him. 

"How do you feel now?" Nicklaus asked as he trailed behind her protectively as if she would fall. 

Arissa rolled her eyes toward heaven. Why was he so focused on her well-being? The funny thing was that he kept on asking her this question even when she was being massaged. 


"I'm okay, it wasn't like I fell from the rooftop," she told him with a bit of sarcasm. 

Nicklaus drew in a sharp breath and wrapped her arm around her waist, "Don't struggle, tell me what I did wrong when we get into the car," he whispered into her ear as if kissing her there. 

Arissa calmed down, "You can stand straight now. Don't act that way in public," she chastised him with a glaring smile, walking ahead as if they were on the same page. 
