

"He… he died."

Seph's hands trembled as she spoke.


Tori and Pierre both stopped in their tracks as they stared at Seph in disbelief. Edol was dead? How? Both Seph and Will looked perfectly healthy, and they'd traveled all the way down here to the end of the tomb.

"What the hell? You're telling me that our new guy died on his first run, and you two didn't even stop to try and help him?!"

The only sign of distress on Will and Seph was their slightly rumpled and dusty clothes, but aside from that, they looked like they'd just been taking a hike in the woods. 

Pierre stepped forward, also looking a bit pissed off. 

"What happened?"

"I- It's my fault. We came upon a cavern filled with spider webs… I recognized them. The species of spider that lives in those webs are afraid of light, so I told Edol that it'd be fine for us to walk through."
