
Putting The Cart Before The Man

Val didn't know how Arthur could tell the amount of coins in a closed pouch.

"Just practice." Arthur spoke. "Of course, I don't expect it to be exact. But should be approximate." He added.

"Whoa, you could tell that just from practice? That's cool. But yeah, you're close… 42 silver and 78 Copper coins, to be exact." Val responded, feeling a bit awed.

"That's a decent amount. And you said you didn't get all the corpses, either?" Arthur questioned.

"Yeah. Several were rotting, or were eaten by other animals. Also, players had discovered the 'free' loot and quickly started searching for more by the time I was done with half the corpses I had." Val explained.

"That was bound to happen," Arthur replied. "As for the coins, you can keep them." He said, much to the girl's surprise.

"Whaaaaaa—" The girl was speechless. 
