
Chapter 5

*General POV*

After getting a quick wash and change of clothes Eddard made his way with Catelyn, who has still yet to speak with him since his outburst towards her earlier, made their way into his solar where Maester Luwin awaited with a large plate of steaming boar meat with baked potato and a bowl of stew with a loaf of bread and a glass of wine on his desk.

Taking a seat in his chair while Catelyn stands off to the side, behind Eddard so that she can still easily pay attention to what Maester Luwin had to say.

Her mind racing; not due to her husband yelling at her in front of everyone, sure she was mad due to feeling embarrassment for her outburst over a child. She couldn't help it as soon as she saw that baby that arrived with Eddard her heart hurt.

She knew it had to be a bastard the moment she saw it, the baby looked more Stark than her own and it frightened her. Causing her to lash out.

No what had her mind occupied with was what Maester Luwin felt was so important, she had a feeling it had to do with her son Cyrus.

She wasn't dumb, she knew clearly how the Faith of Seven felt about magic and the Old Gods.

She used to feel the same, but after seeing the smiles of her son and the clear curiosity she knew he wasn't evil like she was taught growing up by the Septas.

She has even started to limit her interactions with Septa Mordane while she was around Cyrus and even took measures to keep them apart as much as possible out of fear for what the Faith would do to her baby.

Maester Luwin gave Eddard a bit of time to get some food in him, he knew he had traveled at the fastest possible speed and little rest that was necessary.

After seeing Eddard get his stomach filled a bit with food and a few gulps of wine to help wash it down and help calm his own nerves, Maester Luwin looked at both parents with a very serious expression.

"Cyrus is truly Blessed by the Old Gods, my lord I am sure of it. I have been in the library for a few days after he was born. Something about his hair color had stood out to me but I couldn't remember what it was and brushed it off. However the next morning the nurse maid was started by multiple birds that flew in and was around his crib, but when the guard got there they were gone. We thought the woman was mad, especially when it happened again the next day. So the following day I had her get me first and entered the room with her."

Taking a sip of his water, to help the dryness in his throat he continued.

"Yes his crib was surrounded with all kinds of birds. Owls, Ravens, even a Frost Eagle Eddard, they haven't been seen in a very long time south of the wall. Before you ask no he wasn't in danger, rather it was like they were watching over him. Protecting him. Same for other animals. Not just birds."

Taking a deep breath and giving a mental apology to the maid who was on duty that day he coughed to make sure he had their undivided attention.

"I really didn't want to bring this up, but with how curious and too smart for his own good. A few days ago while the maid had the boys outside near the Godswood. Cyrus slipped away causing the maid to panic. Hearing her calls I made my way over to help. But what happened next was beyond anything I've ever seen. A direwolf as black as the night sky, and as big as a large pony came out of the woods carrying the young lord like one of its pups. The maid fainted on the spot thinking the worst, but I heard his laughter. Had I not heard that I too may have lost myself. The wolf placed the young lord down, gave him a lick and ran off into the woods."

Immediately Catelyn couldn't hold it in. "Call the bannerman we can't have a giant wolf where my children play. Eddard get in contact with my brother Edmond, have him bring all his bannermen too. AND I WANT THAT MAIDS NAME MAESTER!!

Broken out of his stupor from what he was told by Maester Luwin by his wife's outburst. Eddard quickly rebutted her.

"Absolutely not, our house sigil is the direwolf and it did not harm him. Had it hurt him or I had any reports of direwolf attacks I would hunt the beast myself. Now please try to calm down dear, it seems Maester Luwin has more to say."

After witnessing Eddard move the food away from him, he gave the couple a nod and continued his explanation.

"So as I was saying I have been down in the library for a while to at least know what we are dealing with... I mean what to expect. Yes, what to expect."

Seeing the look he received from both parents caused him to quickly change his wording.

"I didn't really mean it like that my lords, that's why I'm here. We can't let the Citadel or the Faith know about Cyrus and his gifts. If either find out it would mean trouble for both Cyrus and Rob as well as the North as a whole."

After hearing that both parents narrowed their eyes at the Maester. Eddard spoke up first.

"I understand the Faith Maester Luwin but what does the Citadel have in all this? What kind of trouble would the Citadel bring my sons Maester?"

Anger could be heard etched throughout his words to Maester Luwin. And the looks from Catelyn Stark weren't any better.

"Lord Stark, I may be from the Citadel as well but there are factions within just like it is anywhere else. I do not fear knowledge I can understand, I just work harder to try to understand it. There is a faction with a lot of power within the Citadel. After being unable to perform magic themselves they decided to do their best to eradicate magic completely instead of putting in more work and improving as we are meant to do. Instead they chose to kill any man, woman or child they find or can get to within their reach. If they find out about Cyrus they wouldn't just try to get rid of him alone. They would go after Rob as well just to make sure, considering they are twins it's highly likely Rob too is gifted, just not as high."

Anger was building even more for both parents, especially Eddard due to the image of the little prince and princess laying next to their raped and murdered mother, Roberts echoing laughter at the site.

No this wasn't anger this was rage, but Eddard knew better than to feed into it. He wasn't called 'The Quite Wolf' just because he rarely talked. No he was good at hiding his strength until you least expected.

He wasn't an up front brawler like his older brother Brandon, no Eddard was more of a counter specialist. He would counter with swift kills, moving forward but ever silent awaiting the next poor schmuck to attack him.

Staring directly at the Maester to really gauge the man, he trusted the man and the information he was receiving, even though it was highly angering him and his wife, he knew Maester Luwin for a long time and was trusted by his father so he knew it was misplaced anger.

"I apologize Maester Luwin and I beg your forgiveness for making it seem like my anger is at you because it is not. You earned my father and brothers trust and mine as well. I know this must be hard on you as it is us but you're right, it needs to be discussed. We will remain calm." After looking back to his wife behind him, he didn't turn his head back to Maester Luwin till after receiving a nod from Catelyn.

Seeing both parents ready for him to continue Maester Luwin began making plans with both parents to try to buy as much time as possible.

They knew it was only a matter of time before rumors reached certain ears, it was unavoidable. Like death and taxes. People love rumors and gossip.

So they took steps to find out a way to get Septa Mordane politely out of Winterfell as quickly as possible.

Eddard wanted to kill the bitch and be done with it, he saw the look of disdain she had for Jon as soon as he announced him as his bastard.

Catelyn was very against killing her, if at all possible that is. After all she was raised on the Faith but now finding out that the religion she was so devoted to would harm her baby and possibly both.

She would rather send the Septa away considering all the care she has given her up to this point, but as soon as she was a danger to her baby, that's where that appreciation would end in a heartbeat.

After making the necessary arrangements secretly and with Maester Luwin promising to continue to look for the books detailing the magic held within the Stark bloodline
