
Chapter 17 ─ Theocracy vs. Heretics

"Kill the heretics!"

Zald proclaimed as he stomped his feet on the ground to run off at high speed.

His target was Regulus.

The other members of Judgment waited to attack, but Zald told them.

"You guys will go for the witches, support Testament."

He just wanted to make his mistake right, so he would fight Regulus with no one to back him up.

A long shot, because Regulus was wearing magical armor.

Magical armor is the same as magical swords, with the difference that it grants its wearer high defense, great attack power, an almost impossible to follow speed and, above all, automatic healing to the armor.

Such armor would be an impossible item to recreate, as they generally only have one attribute imbued in them.

If it had two, it would be the gift for a king.

But it had approximately four attributes.

Such armor was a sacred object no matter how you looked at it.

But Zald didn't care.

He wanted to kill Regulus to expiate his mistake of letting him in on an important mission, just because of his resemblance to his late son.

He lost subordinates before and worse now.

The mere fact that Regulus was still breathing was enough to leave him with a hanging sensation.

Reaching close to him, he drew his sword and attacked him.

Regulus used his leg and Zald's sword broke.


He couldn't believe it, as that sword was made of mithril.

Mithril was a more valuable material than gold and stronger than white gold or platinum.

Therefore, for a sword that would cost millions to be destroyed with a simple kick.

It indicated that this armor was so strong that it could even destroy his armor.

But even with his sword broken.

Zald had an ace up his sleeve.

"Don't think that's all!"

He used his massive shields to attack Regulus.

Again, he kicked at them, but instead of breaking.

The armor covering his calf began to crack and he went flying at least five meters in the air and then landed on the ground.

"What was that?"

Regulus exclaimed very confused at that strange occurrence.

He remembered the night before.

He watched as Alice and Luvia used their magical power to turn a castle armor into a super armor capable of taking on anyone.

The girls put all their effort into it.

But now.

He watched as he slowly regenerated after being sent flying.

Zald approached him with eyes injected with fury.

"This is the [Platinumbug], a very rare material and almost hard to come by in the theocracy."

"It's made from the dead remains of beetles whose bodies are so tough that even with a hammer you couldn't hurt them."

"Only level 7 magic can hurt them."


Zald slammed his shields down as he approached Regulus.

"When you have hundreds of those beetles mixed into one! You get a powerful shield capable of repelling any attack that isn't a volcanic blast!"

Using his shield as a weapon, Zald pinned it to the ground.


To Zald, even if he provided information about his shields to his enemy.

It meant nothing.

It's the same as telling a rabbit that in front of him is a trap.

The rabbit might believe that only by circling the place or going back from whence he came would he manage to save himself.

But it would not be like that.

The rabbit entered the hunter's trap from the beginning, it could not escape.

So it was for Zald, Regulus was defeated from the moment he decided to fight against a [tank].

The knight defenders, or also known as tanks.

They are destructive masses that protect others, but also themselves.

After all, their slogan will always be.

"There is no better offense than defense!"

The tip of the shield was flat, but sharp, enough to decapitate someone.

He jabbed the tips of the shields repeatedly as Regulus fled.

After moving a long way away and getting to his feet.

He drew his magic sword and created a flare which he threw at him.

Again, using the shield he repelled that fireball as if it were an insect.

Regulus attacked him directly with the sword and the two collided.

The shield did not recoil, but Regulus did.

His sword didn't break, but it generated a crack in his armor.

(Why is he so strong?)

Thought he how to beat an enemy he never imagined would be this strong.


"Wind Magic: Flurry of Arrows!"

"Blood Magic: Swords of Remorse!"

The mages of the theocracy together with Zartras were attacking from the ground conjuring large-scale magical attacks.

While Alice repelled them using attacks.

Wind arrows streaked across the skies while blood red swords floated in the air and repelled them.

Luvia was supporting Alice due to the fact that between the two of them, Alice possessed greater magical power than her and even more powerful and unique attacks.

"Mirror Magic: Reflect."

An attack from a Judgement knight, which was created wings using small twisters approached Alice.

Luvia manifested a mirror behind Alice, which when attacked by the knight's axe.


It reflected his increased attack twice, destroying part of the armor and making him bleed.

As he fell to the ground, he was quickly attended to by Zartras' escorts.

The other knights were flying in with their tornado wings.

Zartras gave them a new defense.

"Level 7 magic."

"Strengthening Magic."

A golden glow covered the knights.

They were now much stronger and faster than before.

Alice realized that she couldn't easily defend against them.

So she attacked this time.

"Blood Magic: Scythe of Lamentations."

She approached the knight and dodged his attack.

She received a slight cut on her left hand, from the wound a large amount of blood came out and formed a beautiful black scythe with a red aura.

Skulls formed behind the blade.

With a slight movement, Alice sliced the knight in two.

He was being protected by Zartras holy magic.

Even with that magic that can't be used by anyone other than a squad captain.

Zartras was getting angry seeing how little by little the knights were being killed.

But she wasn't his only enemy.


One of his subordinates made a strange sound.

Looking at where the sound came from, he watched as he was being burned alive by a sand golem.

The mages focused their attack on that golem.

Fire magic.

Water magic with cutting wind.

Light magic to stop him.

Nothing happened.

The golem, which could be considered almost a giant of four meters.

It approached them raising its hand and sending fireballs.

Luvia laughed at them.


"That's all you can do?"

"It's pitiful that the almighty theocracy has this level."

"It really is pitiful that only this can do, the two renowned squads in the country."

Magic attacks were blocked or repelled by the golem.

When it was crumbling, quickly Luvia would regenerate it with magic.

It was a perfect warrior.

Burned three of them and crushed two.

Its numbers were quickly running out.

Even Zartras himself began to feel suffocated as he noticed that three individuals were defeating them.

He watched as another knight fell to the ground broken in two.

(It really is frustrating that heretics like them are cornering us like this.)

(At this rate we won't just lose.)

(It will be a humiliation for us, for Testament and Judgment, mainly... for the theocracy.)

Zartras recalled his days at the military academy.

There they were taught a basic rule that everyone should know.

"Theocracy does not forgive failures."

"No matter who the enemy is, you must defeat it. We have God on our side, we are invincible."

"But... if you still dare to lose."

"I suggest you never go back to avoid humiliating them."

They were taught from a very young age, that a defeat was a humiliation to the theocracy.

A defeat to the theocracy, is a dishonor to the Holy King.

If the Holy King suffers dishonor, it will be a sacrilege to God.


It was there that Zartras understood something.

(To lose to them... is to disappoint God.)

(To be defeated by heretics is a defeat to God.)

For the people of the theocracy, when they put or use God's name in something.

It becomes personal.

Their religion and society is domesticated in such a way, that the moment they activate the key words.

"Defeat" and "God" in the same sentence.

Something inside them awakens.

And that is.

"Something like that is unforgivableeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

A deep anger that would not be extinguished for anything in the world.

Zartras decided to use something that was forbidden for members of the theocracy.

Among the eleven adepts, there is a secret that almost no one knows.

It is normal that darkness magic is taboo for them.

But even with that, they have realized something.

"We cannot let ourselves be lost to these heretics. For that reason, Ossias-dono, I apologize for using this."

Magic is fought with magic.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for Zartras to use this.

"Magic of Darkness: Prison of Darkness."

"Magic of Light: Heavenly Pillars."

(Humans have two vocal cords, we don't use the second one because we generally don't need it.)

(But what I am using now, black magic, needs a second vocal cord.)

It is not uncommon for Zartras to use black magic, Testament captains are required by the regent to use black magic in case they are in a situation where only such magic can save them.

Is it considered sacrilege?

Yes, it is.

Is it considered hypocrisy?

It is not. For this was permitted by the Holy King who is the voice of God.

For that reason, Zartras like all captains, to activate black magic needs to use it only with his second vocal cord.

So that it can be mixed with the first one.

Zartras activated two spells disguised as one.

As he did so, a shadow surrounded the place, then pillars fell from the sky.

"What are you doing?"

Alice asked as she noticed what Zartras was doing.

He didn't answer her, just glared at her with hatred.

He raised his hand and began to make strange shapes in the air.

"What is he up to?"

Alice really wanted to know what he was accomplishing with it, but she didn't have time to ask him thanks to the approaching enemies.

She flew into the sky and began using magic to attack them.

"Blood Magic: Cursed Spikes."

From her fingertips, small black droplets formed and she launched them straight at her enemies.

The droplets turned into small spears that pierced two of them.

The number was so reduced that now there were barely enough left to be counted on both hands.

She was going to finish Zartras off as she did not like what he was doing.

She dodged her enemies attack and with her scythe moved in to cut him down.

"What is this?"

She heard Luvia shout and quickly went to her.

As she reached her position, watched as her magical power was somehow extracted from her.

"How is this possible!"

Blue particles were coming out of her body and headed for the pillars.

To be more precise, to the black mist that covered it.

(The magic power comes out of her body and goes to those pillars.)

(No, it's directed at the fog.)

(Don't tell me!)

"Draining magic!"

"That's right."

Spoke Zartras who finished making strange figures in the air.

"Draining magic is black magic that sucks the magic power out of those present."

"But thanks to the pillar of light, everyone protected by me can avoid feeling weakened."

*Down falling*

Alice turned around and saw Luvia weakened on the ground.

Then, she noticed how particles of magical power were coming out of her body.

"Unlike her, your punishment will be worse."

"Receive the royal divine punishment."

"Heavenly Chains!"

In the air, strange characters glowed.

These gathered and formed a golden sphere.

Alice tried to run away because she knew what those characters were.

(Runic magic, it's lost magic.)

(But it is not lost because they have forgotten it.)

(The humans of the theocracy surely killed the dryads and stole their knowledge. That explains why Luvia knew nothing of their culture when I asked her.)

Arriving above the pillar of light.


She was hit by an electric current.

It was coming from the pillars.

Even their five-meter median, it didn't mean their power was reduced, they were just waiting for some fool to try to get out to activate.

That's what Zartras wanted.

By the time Alice reacted after slightly losing consciousness, it was too late.

The semi-transparent golden chains pierced her belly.


A large amount of blood spat out.

When she touched the chains to destroy them, her hands began to burn.

"It's useless, demon... no, I should tell you, vampire."

"It's rare to find a vampire still alive after my ancestor went on the greatest expedition to purge those demons."

"It seems one of them survived."

"Don't worry my ancestor, your mistake will be cleansed by your descendants."

Anger filled Alice's insides as she heard how Zartras was a descendant of one of the men who destroyed her home.

"Because you don't die easily, I can do this."

Snapping his fingers, the chains came out scattered in different places, snapping Alice in two.

Her upper and lower body fell in different places.

Despite being split in two, Alice was still alive.

Zartras grabbed her hair and dragged her close to Luvia's motionless body.

He undid the spell and focused his gaze on his companion.


Regulus was having a hard time thanks to Zald.

He recognizes that his opponent is strong.

But it's not just that, his armor is totally resilient.

(No matter how hard I hit him.)

(No matter how hard I attack him.)

(Those shields block everything I throw at him!)

Zald's shields were a perfect escape from damage.

No matter what attack hit him, it would come off to the side deflected.

"There, they're done already it seems."


Regulus glanced quickly in the direction of the girls.

He was surprised to see Zartras grabbing Alice's hair and Luvia off to the side.

"You must never avert your gaze from your enemy."

Zald gave him vital advice, as he lunged at him.

Regulus backed away, but did Zald want to.

"You could have ended this differently."

"But you should have blown it."

"This could have been a great opportunity for you, Regulus-kun."

"Unfortunately you chose the path of heresy."

"No. Worst of all, I'll have to kill someone with his face again."


With a sad sigh, Zald raised his arms and struck both shields hard.

That caused a strange ultra-sonic vibration to occur.

"But what!?"

Regulus didn't understand why he suddenly lost control of his feet.

He almost slipped, but he was able to avoid it.

"It's useless."

Again Zald made the same attack.

Not once, but several times.

Regulus was slowly losing strength as Zald circled him and swung in his direction his shields.

"A curiosity of the Platinumbug insects. The fluttering in their shells can produce a strange muscle-relaxing sleeping pill."

"Best of all, it only manages to produce that sound when their shells collide with each other. No matter who hits it, if it's not with its own shells, the effect doesn't kick in."

With a final blow from his shields, he managed to knock Regulus down.

He was not sleepy, but his muscles were not responding.

Zald was about to send him next to Zartras when a knight approached, charged him.

He grabbed him by the leg and walked up beside Zald to where Zartras was.

A cheek to cheek smile showed.

"Looks like your fight was spectacular."

"I'd say it was more like an expiation."

"Are you done yet?"

"The vampiress is still alive despite being split in two, the witch is immobile. And..."

His eyes focused on Regulus who couldn't lift a finger despite hearing everything.


(It can't end like this.)

(My mission can't end like this.)

(I can't let Mary and Shannon worry about me either.)

Zald glared at Regulus.

"We will take you to the theocracy. We will give you a public punishment so that you will learn that going against God's teachings is a fatal sin."

"Take off their armor and then we'll go to the city and take care of them as well."

Zald leaned closer to Regulus and whispered.

"I'll make sure you pay for what you did. They are not to blame, but real suffering comes when you lose what you care about."

Defeat and victory was decided.

Regulus' group lost and the theocracy won.

No one could change this.

At the moment some mages began to detach parts of the armor.


Zartras interrupted them.

His smile was erased by a serious expression.

"What's wrong?"

Zald remembered something.

"That's right, I forgot."

"The butler and the dark elf must be around here somewhere, they're probably injured or unable to fight."

"Go in groups and look for him."

"It's not that."

Zartras approached Zald.

He raised his hand and pointed at him.

"Who are you?"


The fanservice is Mary's, as barely anything has come out of the novel's perfect girlfriend.


The battle finally began.

I'll try not to make the battles crazy and half-bizarre like in Razel, as those rare fights are part of the novel's charm.

Every fight in my novels has its own charm.

Enjoy the chapter.

Siegburncreators' thoughts