
Chapter 46

I checked everywhere, the garage, around the house...I even went outside the gate even though I knew there was no way it would be there. But I didn't find it, and I knew very well that it wasn't some sort of mistake. Only one person could have been responsible for it and I wasn't going to let him mess around with me in that sense. I rushed back in, taking the stairs two at a time while wondering why I wasn't in his room yet. And when I did finally get there, I barged in without knocking. He was up. I found him standing by his bed, looking over some sort of blueprints that he had laid down on the covers. His arms crossed and his eyes narrowed as he studied them intently. 

He turned to me when I stormed in. I got no reaction from him which meant he had been expecting me. He ran his eyes over my entire form, then he went back to whatever he had been doing.

" This is surprising, is your room on fire or something? I don't think I've ever seen you up this early, "

" Cut the low-level crap!" 

In the seconds that followed, he threw his phone on the bed where it furiously landed on the blueprints, then he strode over to where I stood and looked at me with the same glance I had gotten used to. A look he had invented and preserved exclusively for me. The rage and fury all wrapped into one singular look. A very deadly look. I inched closer and returned it with one of my own. Two could play that game.

" I'm telling you this for the last time! Watch your goddamned mouth when you talk to me!"

" Where is it?!" 

I wasn't going to play around, I was there for one reason and I wouldn't be leaving until I got my answer. And if he decided to play dumb then I'd act even dumber. He had no idea of the lengths I was willing to go just to piss him off. That things I was willing to say and do. The image of him as my father had been ruined long ago. Now I just saw him as a man who I lived with but who had no right to make any decisions concerning my life. 

" Oh, you mean the bike I bought, with MY money? You'll get it back once you gain some actual manners. "

" Where the hell is it?!"

" Someplace safe. I was actually about to wake you up since I'll be dropping you off at school from now on, "

" Like hell you will! "

" Fine then, walk. It's good for you, and you might get a chance to think about your life choices while you're at it. "

He must have majored in pissing me off because he was doing an excellent job. And I knew him well enough to know that once he decided something, it was almost impossible to change his mind. He believed he had the upper hand and could make any choices concerning me that he wished. And that I'd sit idly and let him do so because I didn't have a choice. But I always had a choice, and I had no problem with making him even more furious. I actually enjoyed it. 

" What exactly are you trying to achieve here Andrew?" I asked. I always tried to avoid including the word 'dad' in my vocabulary as much as I possibly could. It didn't sit well with me even if I was simply thinking about it. At a certain point, the image I had of him as my father had transformed completely. He worked his tongue against his inner cheek before hanging his head and turning to the side. 

" You are the most ungrateful brat I have ever come across, " he uttered in a low voice. As if the words were difficult for him to utter. 

" And you're the shittiest dad I've ever come across. I guess we're even. "

" Get the hell out! " he pointed at the door. I would have done just that if I still didn't need him to tell me why my bike was. I asked him again, and he had the nerve to tell me I was never going to see it again. That it was gone for good so I ought to just forget about it. He was lucky that I had my limits because at the moment I felt like punching someone or something and he was the closest one to me.

" Get to school, and try to actually learn something while you're at it. "

" No. " 

 I said the word with firm conviction. There was absolutely no way I was going to school until we finished up our talk. And it was only going to end when he told me where he had taken my bike. That was one of the most important things in my life. The last time I had smiled at my dad had been when he had agreed to get it for me. He had been so shocked that he let me use it whenever and however I liked. But now he was taking advantage of the fact that he had bought it to make me obey him. I didn't care whether he had used his own cash, I'd even be willing to pay him back if it got him to give it back. I needed it more than he would ever be aware of. 

" Tell me where it is..or else.."

" Or else what?"

" I'll drop out. You know me well enough to know that I'm not bluffing. "

I wasn't. I'd be willing to do that without a second thought. If he thought I was that desperate for him and his money then he had another thing coming. I was more than capable of taking care of myself and providing for my own needs. But I wasn't stable enough to buy another fucking bike. Especially when I knew he had mine locked up somewhere just because he felt like he could. 

" If you're going to do that then you might as well pack up and leave. I'm not planning on taking care of a dropout. "

" Did I ask you to?".

" Austin! " He snapped. Once again raising his hand as if about to hit me. He always did that, but he could never carry through with it. I tried to think of all the possible places where he could have taken it, but we had josy moved there not too long ago and I hardly knew the place that well. The fact that he had done all that so late at night while I had been asleep was a low blow. 

"So you won't tell me where it is?" I asked for the last time. I was desperate to get the answer but I also wasn't going to stay there and beg him to tell me. 

" Maybe in a couple of months, when you grow up and realize that the world doesn't revolve around you. "

I slowly nodded. He was making it sound as if I was always desperate for his attention when in reality, what I needed was for him to forget about my existence. I wanted a life that didn't involve him digging into my business and ruining it. 

" Fine then, keep the fucking bike!" I had reached my endurance limit. I turned around and started walking away. 

" Come back immediately after school is over!" He shouted behind me. But he had started the little fight for basically no reason. I was intent on turning it into a war. I went back to my room and grabbed a couple of things, throwing them into my backpack before I just as quickly left. He seemed to have forgotten who I was and the things I was willing to do when he pushed me to the edge. Khloe must have noticed the change in my demeanor and she tried to ask me about it, but I ignored and strode past her. I didn't stop until I was out of the gate. There were a number of other houses on the same line as ours, and a street that separated our side from the other, where even more houses were. I could clearly see Miles house from where I was standing, but it was too early to go over there and talk to him. Which was all I could do since I didn't have a phone. I should have sensed that it was a trick when he asked me to choose between handing in either my phone or keys. That had been too suspicious of him. And he must have known that I would have gladly handed him my phone. It was just a test to see what I was more attached to so that he could rip it away from me. 

I sighed and fisted a hand in my hair. Trying to regain a bit of the calm I had had when I woke up. But it was completely gone. I was seething from the inside out. And with each step I was reminded of the fact that he had taken away something I was fond of and I had no means of getting it back. And it was even worse knowing that he had simply done so to get me angry. He lived to see me angry. One thing was for sure though, he wouldn't be seeing me for a while. And neither would that stupid school! 

All I wanted...all I NEEDED was to see Kyle.
