
Chapter 240 Paris 1

       I stared at the city of France through my Balcony, still pissed at what dad said tonight. Yes he said I embarrassed him which I knew I did, but he deserved it. He can not decide my life again, I can't possibly get married to Falcon, I'm not ready to get married yet. I mean I'm an expectant mother, who in just a few months would have her babies.

     I was already married to someone else for crying out loud. I hated marraige or anything that had to do with it cause of my last experience with marriage.

      I heard a knock at the door and I stepped back into the room to know who it was, I stared at the person before the door. "Can I come in, Love?"

    We both sat on my bed. I really was not in the mood to talk to mum, but I had to listen to her "I'm sorry about your Dad, I'm sure he's sorry too." "You know that's not true, he asked me to get married to Falcon without any form of protest." I rolled my eyes.

     "We could be friends, but that doesn't mean I see him as a husband." I was fed up with this. It's like all the wealthy people have to the same reasoning and thinking. Here I was thinking I was free from Alex, now they were forcing me into getting married to Falcon. 

        He might be a good and sweet guy, but I didn't like him in that way. I can't even imagine myself getting married to him or having anything to do with him. The Dior's especially Mr Dior wants me married to his son, and that stupid guy just pretended like he knew nothing about all this.

     "I saw this coming sweetheart, you know your father doesn't like Alex or his family." "Yes that's because of what he did to me." 

       "That's not true, the Wilson's and Huxley's have been business rivals for years, so they don't get along." Mum said calmly. Slowly my memories rushed back to me, I could recall Delany and Claire's words to me, they had clearly told me to stay away from the Huxley's back at the farm since they were enemies of the Wilson's.

       I stared at mum in disbelief, what was I meant to do now? Not like I wanted Alex back, but it seems like Dad was trying to force me into becoming a Dior. "I know you still liker that man.., your husband, Alex!" She held my hands in hers.

      "Don't you think it's time to forgive him and give him a chance? I can see how hurt you are everyday, and no matter how hard you try to perfect your happy smile.... There's always just that sadness within." I pulled my hands from hers.

    "I'm fine without him, and whatever Alex did, is not forgiveable. I rather get married to Falcon than go back to him." There was this pain in my heart as I said these words. I can't possibly forgive Alex for everything he did.... Can I?

       I didn't want to listen to my heart anymore, maybe I was upset with Alex cause he left without a word, or cause he went back to be with Berverly instead of me. I don't know but hearing the name, just pissed me off greatly that I felt like killing him.

     "I need to go to bed now mother!" I said for her to kiss my fore head before rising to her feet. "Get some good rest, and give a good thought about what you want your future to be like. Remember that I'll always support you!" She rubbed the top of my head and stepped out of the room.

      I laid on my bed feeling totally restless, I just couldn't sleep for some uneasy reason. I sat on the bed, doing nothing other than admiring the room decor when my phone rang. I really don't get calls from anyone since I'm barely interested in talking to anyone.

      It was surprising I got a call at this hour, I checked the caller whose Id was unknown. Wondering who it was, I picked it up,

        "How are you Hazel?" 

     That voice..... The same cold deep voice that sounded so farmiliar, which had my heart raising loudly. My body still have the same tingling reaction it always gives when it comes to him. It's like I don't know myself anymore, like my entire body except my brain belongs to this man.

      I really didn't know why Alex's voice felt so damn seductive tonight. I could feel my skin getting hot by the sound of his voice. I've longed so much for him, but I have to get a hold of myself.

     "Sorry I haven't been able to call since our last meeting." Why was Alex apologizing to me? And how did he get my contact?

      "I just had........." "Some really pressing matters to handle? How were you able to get my contact?" "It wasn't easy, I......" "I don't need your explanations Alex, don't call me ever again. I'm going to block these number and the rest you'd keep using to call me." I hunged up cleaning the tears at the corner of my eyes. I can't lety guards down, if hearing from him would make me feel this way, then I should never pick his calls fr now on.

        There was a knock on my door almost immediately making me jolt back to reality. I tried to dry my wet eyes before sauntering towards the door. It's obvious it is dad who has come here to give me one of his many lessons.

         "Falcon!" I called astonished.

         "Can I come in, please?" I had no choice but to let him in. We needed to talk about tonight and everything that happened. "Are you still mad at me?" He stepped into the room quietly sitting on the bed and I just remained at the door crossing my hands on my chest.

          Was that even a question?

       "Why don't you guess? I feel like I'm the only one who had no idea of what happened or was about to happen tonight!" "If I had told you about it, would you agree to come to France with me?" He stepped close to me, but not the too close just that he made me feel little uncomfortable.

        "What are you.....!" "I love you Hazel.... More than you think I do, and I want to be more than just a friend to you." He started. "What are you talking about?"

        "You know before you got a job at Alpho inc, Dad told me about his meeting with a friend whose daughter was beautiful but unfortunately was pregnant. I never thought I'd feel the way I felt when I first saw you, but that feeling was magical." 

        Was Falcon confessing to me?

        "Listen, if you're worried about your pregnancy, you don't have to be. I'll take responsibility for it." He held my hands in his. "I don't know what Love must have done to you in the past, I'm sorry but I love you. I can't stop, no matter how many times you reject me, or try to push me away." He stated rubbing his thumb on my chin.

        Why was I shivering under his touch? Why am I reacting wierdly to his words instead of the usual anger. I'm supposed to be upset right? I love Alex and not Falcon right?

        "Hazel!" His voice broke me off my daze, "Just give me a chance, I promise not to ever hurt you, please?" He tilted his head slowly to mine and my lips parted invitingly................
