

As the last student settles into their seat, I finally lean back, my mind buzzing with thoughts. All the characters I created, the dynamics I planned — they're all here. Well, almost all. A disturbing realization hits me like a punch in the gut. I knew something was off, but I hadn't been able to pinpoint what. Now, it's crystal clear, and I can't believe I didn't notice sooner. Where the hell is Mason?! How the hell could I forget the most important one?!

My frustration escalates with every ticking second. Mason, the protagonist of my story, should be here by now. His absence is like a missing puzzle piece that distorts the entire picture. Did I cause some sort of butterfly effect?

As the seconds turn into minutes, my patience wears thin. Tell me why he's not here, stupid system! He was supposed to be here by now!

Almost instantly, the shitty system appears before me.

[You have replaced his existence.]

What? I reach out instinctively somehow grabbing the holographic screen in front of me. Explain! You useless piece of crap!

[You have replaced his existence.]

I struggle to keep my rising anger in check, but it's a losing battle. Explain, damn it! I yell, my voice barely above a whisper.

[You have replaced his existence.]

This continues a few more times, each exchange only serving to increase my frustration and confusion. What the hell does the system mean by replaced? What the hell happed to Mason? I could understand it if I possessed his body but that didn't happen, so what the hell is going on?

After a few more futile attempts, the system talks back.

[Why don't you shut your trap, there is nothing more I can say.]

My eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets at the system's audacity. "You little—" My rant is cut short by the system's next message.


My anger melts into disbelief as I stare at the emoticon on the screen. I blink once, twice, before a small chuckle escapes me. Okay, you win this round, you worthless crap.

Exhaling slowly, I try to regain my composure. Mason's absence is worrisome, no doubt about that. Although he isn't the strongest in the story, he was the one to fight the devil. Does that mean I have to fight it, No, No way I'll do that, Mmmh I'll have to make it so that Isadora fights it. Goddamit now I have to do ten times more work.

-[New Missions unlocked✱³]

[❈Congratulations Host!❈]

[You have decided to follow the main storyline instead of running away. I expected you to run like the bum you are however you surpassed my expectations, here are your current missions.]

[A cult has infiltrated the Equinox Academy with the help of a dangerously devious group. These cultists have disguised themselves with the intention of retrieving an artifact causing problems while doing so.]

[Deal with the four most powerful cultists in the academy. Either make them leave the academy, turn them in or kill them.]

[Reward]➛[Evolution Based Reward]

[Common eyes]➛[Eyes of Pilt]

[Rank: Rare]-[Evolution: 0/3➛.00%]

[The eyes of Pilt belonged to the Lord of the Third hour, one of the nine lords of the night]

[Farsight]-[extends the field of view by nine miles]

[Perception Shield]-[Blocks illusion-based attacks, Note: it needs mana to activate]-[Locked!]

[Wound Insight]-[Can see injuries on anyone or anything]-[Bonus!: With Farsight and Perception shield one can predict certain attacks ahead of time]-[Locked!]

[You can choose to gain 2,500 points or you could accept the award and only receive 200 points]

With a heavy sigh, I look at the new set of missions, my feelings a complex mix of intrigue and frustration. These missions are annoying, no doubt about that, but they are worth the trouble. Let's see what's next.

-[New Missions unlocked]

[❈Good job! Keep up the spirit! You lazy bum!❈]

[The Class A midterm multi-class competition examination is an important event for certain people. This prestigious competition will determine the ranking of the various classes at the Equinox Academy.]

[Boost the morale of your class, formulate a winning strategy, and bring Class A to the first place in the midterm competition.]

[Reward]➛[Knowledge Based Reward]

[Common knowledge]➛[Wisdom of the Prodigy]

[Rank: Rare]-[Evolution: 0/3➛.00%]

[The Wisdom of the Prodigy was an insight bestowed upon the most intelligent beings in the universe]

[someone like you doesn't deserve this, yet you get the opportunity to receive it, be grateful.]

[Adaptive Learning]-[Allows the host to understand, absorb, and retain new information at an accelerated rate]

[Strategic Brilliance]-[Enhances the host's ability to formulate strategies and predict outcomes]-[Locked!]

[Interdimensional Knowledge]-[Grants the host a glimpse into knowledge ???]-[Locked!]

[You can choose to gain 1,000 points or you could accept the award and only receive 100 points]

"Great, now I have to deal with a bunch of brats..." I mutter under my breath. That mission doesn't sound like a stroll in the park, but I can handle it. After all, who better to lead a class to victory than the one who designed this entire world? What a pain, the class barely managed 3rd place in the story, you're telling me to make them first without Mason?

-[New Missions unlocked]

[❈Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount. Show your bravery you grouch❈]

[The prince and the princess of the academy, the Star-Crossed Siblings, are destined for a tragic ending. The prince will murder the princess during an important event. This is a crucial plot point in the original storyline.]

[Prevent the prince from killing the princess without being identified.]

[Reward]➛[Artifact Based Reward]

[Common artifact]➛[The Divine bracelet of Seraph]

[Rank: Rare]-[Evolution: 0/3➛.00%]

[The Divine bracelet of Seraph, the legendary angel, grants protection against most physical and magical attacks]

[Aura of Divinity]-[The host can project an aura that instills fear and awe in others]

[Impenetrable Barrier]-[Creates a powerful shield that can withstand immense damage]-[Locked!]

[Shield of Sacrifice]-[The bracelet can absorb the damage intended for others within a 100-meter distance]-[Locked!]

[You can choose to gain 1,500 points or you could accept the award and only receive 250 points]

"Wait, what?" I blurt out, surprise taking over my frustration. "Why the hell am I supposed to stop it without getting caught?" Respond you shitty system! Shit, this is problematic though, if the princess is saved it will cause a war, if I want to stop it from happening I'm going to need to change lots of things. Hey, system How is that a common artifact though? I know you rank things differently than people do but arent these ranks too low?

[The ranks are based on the overall capabilities of the rewards, the rank of the reward will rise as you evolve them]

[If you were a tad bit smarter you would've figured it out, you idiot]

The mumbling and the flurry of hand movements have obviously not gone unnoticed. As if on cue, a soft voice breaks the silence, pulling me out of my internal grumble fest.

"What the hell are you doing, V?" Biana peers at me from behind her perpetually fluffed-up pillow. Her eyes blink slowly, the barest hint of curiosity peeking through the veil of sleepy disinterest.

"Oh, you're awake," I respond, surprised. Did I manage to wake her? I thought she was fast asleep I guess I still have to be careful around her.

"I could ask the same of you," she retorts, yawning and stretching in her seat like a well-fed feline. "One moment, you're staring into space, and the next, you're mumbling and flailing around like an idiot."

I sigh and rub the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on. I wish I could tell her. I wish I could share the ludicrous reality of the situation I've found myself in. But how do you explain to someone that they're merely a character from a novel that you wrote, and you're trapped inside that very novel, now responsible for fixing all the damn issues you created yourself?

"I'm trying to sort out a problem, Biana," I say, my tone guarded.

"A problem?" she repeats, raising an eyebrow at me. "What sort of problem? Maybe I can help."

I laugh then, unable to help myself. The thought of Biana, the eternal slacker, offering to help me solve the multitude of problems thrown at me by a system... Now, that's an entertaining idea. When did her character development happen for her to say something like that?

"You'd rather sleep than help, Biana," I tell her, still chuckling. "This isn't exactly something you'd be interested in."

"You never know," she retorts, shrugging nonchalantly. "Maybe your problem is a math equation. I'm good with numbers, you know."

I shake my head, my amusement fading as the gravity of my situation starts to seep back in. "No, Biana, it's not a math equation. But thanks for offering."

"Mm," she hums, snuggling back into her pillow. "Well, if you change your mind, I'm right here." Her eyes flutter close, and within seconds, she's back in her own world of dreams.

Haha, to think she would be willing to help me, seeing how nice she's been maybe I could take advantage of her. I better focus on leaving a good impression on the professor.

Fun Fact: Biana loves alcohol with wine being her favorite.

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