
Clone Barrage

His gravity manipulation faded and Ruben slid down the tree before coughing blood. Once his arms flopped to the floor, his blades seamlessly sliced through the stones and grass in their path.

Seconds later, his head flopped down and his energy blades vanished.

Using Michael as a defence tactic for the squad, the other 2 members were swiftly taken out, even though they had both defeated Michael's teammates.

"Oh yeah, this Michael guy got promoted from B-2 to A-2 not too long ago. His gravity abilities are only getting better, they say." Flavian said in realisation, once he saw soldiers dash into the forest.

They attended to the student's injuries and returned them from out of the forest so that they could continue to watch the rest of the matches.

Upon hearing the names of the next matches, Brandyn was called up.

"The attacking team will be Flavian Guíterrez-Holland, Brandyn Santiago and Vikar Finnleiksson."
