
Another Win

The force was no pushover and actually made Nial stunned for a brief period. However, he had taken hits just like that many times before from the upperclassmen of his school so his durability wasn't something to look over too.

Brandyn continued on the assault and tried to land yet another hit, this time to the body again. Nial had blocked this attack. The fighters seemed like equals in their playing field now and the fight was pretty much even. They were able to exchange attacks and handle one another's strength before throwing another attack of their own.

Brandyn's ferocity made him almost mentally impervious to the attack's pain and stress it was supposed to cause. As the 2 had a significant distance apart from one another, Brandyn underwent another physical alteration.

Two sharp bones started to protrude from his bones and he seemed to be losing even more control. His body also had become larger and stronger than before. His vascularity was much more noticeable and something that even Nial had picked up on.


In a second, Brandyn was within an arms' reach of Nial. He had barely had enough time to react and his speed has increased from before. Nial tried to extend his arm as his defensive ploy, but the archdemon had adapted.

He swerved his upper body under this arm and pounced. He pointed his right elbow forwards and forced his body forwards as explosively as he could. The sharp bone pierced right through Nial's lung and almost through the other side of his torso. The wound was deep and Brandyn showed no sense of sympathy, even after noticing the horrified expression plastered across his face.

Blood soaked the surrounding area of his clothing and left a bloody, gory, opening in his chest.

His body soon started to get more and more pale as blood was gushing out of this near-fatal wound. Then, Brandyn lifted his left bone over and stabbed the other area of his chest, slashing through a part of his chest. With these 2 wounds, Nial felt as if this could be the last moment of his life. His vision slowly started to blur, which was also caused by the build-up of tears in his widened eyes.

With a snarl, Brandyn pulled back his crossed over arms to slice right through his breastbone and to shred through a vast majority of his vital organs, mainly his lungs and heart.


Nial, motionlessly, stared at the clouds below and his arms felt like they were being held down by gigantic boulders. He couldn't move a single limb and the world started to darken, with drops of blood appearing in his vision from the blood spraying from his chest. He could barely perceive and actually acknowledge what was going on, which was that he had a massive gash in his chest.


Nial's head rested on the dampening blood below, with his eyes gazing at the sky with no movement whatsoever.

"Nial Kugdrun has been eliminated by Brandyn Santiago. +15 points for Brandyn Santiago."

"Woah." Brandyn uttered, looking at Nial's corpse-like body.

His body was pale and his eyes were still. Dry.

"I did that? Am I even allowed to do that? I swear when I fight I kinda lose myself. I just wanna win at any cost." Brandyn thought to himself, shaking his head as he felt calmer but also surprisingly hot from the fight he had just been through.

Also, the wounds in his chest from the burning claws of Nial had been almost completely sealed up. Brandyn, while looking down to his sealed chest, saw the number 29 on his wristwatch. He had acquired 14 points from Nial but his points had also been slowly increasing since the fight had a decently long duration.

The ice user that Aria had been fighting swung his sword ahead, launching a stream of water droplets toward her. These droplets of water thinned out from their high velocity but then sharpened into ice heads. Aria blocked the sharp ice projectiles with her newly formed golem arm. The ice heads all wedged into the rock but slowly started to fall out as her body heat simply melted them.

Aria, with her spear in her other arm, strategically ran towards her opponent. Before he could react, she changed her line of direction and ran past the incoming ice projectiles. This cloud of ice soared past her as she approached him and she even used her spear to block herself from one of the projectiles.

Again, he released a wave of ice projectiles that actually landed on Aria. Several of them dug deep into her body, with one slicing past her face to leave an open cut in her cheek. The ice projectiles did just fall out of her wounds eventually from the heat she was releasing.

The spear that she wielded soon started to mould into a different weapon. A norman convex style shield. She blocked the last bit of ice that came towards her body. Next, she lifted the shield up into the air and as this happened, a flat wall grew on the tip of the shield. With this flat surface, she kicked it ahead, launching it into the bottom of the man's stomach. The student wheezed upon this shield cutting through and into his stomach, making him step back from the initial force too.

As he fell back, Aria leaped onto the shield then jumped off as powerfully as she could, even breaking the shield. While in the air, she made an acrobatic flip before diving down with a forceful punch to the head. This attack was all that was needed to knock the guy out.

"Alban Eneas has been eliminated by Aria Tungston. +16 points for Aria Tungston."

Botan had actually encountered a pure regular-born. This human threw a punch but Botan didn't move at all. This was all that was needed to make the human run away in fear.

Aria was now on 36 points, while Botan was unlucky with 30, since he fought an opponent with no points from fighting.
