
Chapter 16: A Devil's Determination

I'm a little bit late because the future chapter that I made makes no sense so I have been deleting some of them, so here is the new chapter


As Akeno snuggles closer to her boyfriend, Yuuto, on the couch, she can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. The warmth of his body and the comforting beat of his heart soothes her in a way that nothing else can. She rests her head on his shoulder and takes a deep breath, reveling at the moment.

But even in this moment of bliss, Akeno can sense the tension in the air. Rias and Koneko are shooting suspicious glances at them, and she can't help but wonder what they're thinking. She knows that their relationship has been progressing quickly, and, understandably, some people might have reservations about it.

But Akeno doesn't let their judgment affect her. She knows what she feels for Yuuto is real, and she won't let anyone come between them. She squeezes his arm a little tighter, silently conveying her love and commitment to him.

Meanwhile, Yuuto is lost in thought, his gaze fixated on Rias. He can't help but feel frustrated with her lack of motivation and effort toward self-improvement. He knows that she has the potential to be a great leader and fighter, but she seems content to rely on him and her other servants to do the heavy lifting.

Yuuto takes a deep breath, resolving to have a serious conversation with Rias about her lack of progress. He knows that it might be difficult and uncomfortable, but he believes that it's necessary for her growth and development as a leader. He's not sure how she'll react, but he knows that he has to try.

"Buchou, I'm tired of you sitting on the chair and wasting your time and not improving yourself," Yuuto declared, his eyes filled with frustration as he stood up and faced Rias. "You're the heiress of the Gremory family, one of the strongest devil clans in existence. You have the Power of Destruction, one of the most powerful demonic abilities in the world. And yet, you spend your days reading romance comics and dreaming of a prince in shining armor to save you from your engagement. It's pathetic."

Rias was taken aback by the sudden outburst from her servant. She had never seen him so angry before.

"But Yuuto, I am trying my best," she replied, her voice soft and uncertain.

"Trying your best? You call this trying your best?" Yuuto scoffed. "You're not even close to being ready to become the Rating Games Champion. You're lazy and spoiled, and you're wasting your potential. When are you going to stop being pathetic?"

The words hit Rias hard, and she felt a pang of shame in her chest. She knew Yuuto was right, but it was still painful to hear.

"I...I don't know," she stammered, feeling the tears prick at her eyes. "I'm just so tired of everything. I don't know what to do."

"Stop being a crybaby," Yuuto retorted, slamming his hand on the table and leaning in closer to her. "You have everything you need to succeed. You just need to put in the work. Stop dreaming of a prince to save you and start fighting for yourself. You're our King, damn it. Act like one."

Rias looked up at Yuuto, her eyes widened with surprise, and she felt a stirring in her chest as she listened to his passionate words. She had never seen him so animated before, and his words struck a chord deep within her.

"I believe you are correct," she replied in a soft voice, her words barely above a whisper.

A smile spread across Yuuto's face, causing Rias to shudder involuntarily. He turned to face the rest of the group and spoke with a sense of determination in his voice.

"Excellent," he announced. "All of us will begin training under my guidance."

Koneko and Akeno also felt a shiver run down their spines as they observed the intensity in Yuuto's eyes and the determination in his voice. They knew that their training was about to become much more rigorous, but they were also excited about the prospect of becoming more robust and more capable under Yuuto's tutelage.


Rias, Akeno, and Koneko lay on the ground, panting and covered in sweat and scratches after enduring grueling rounds of calisthenics exercises. Despite being pushed to their limits, they had somehow managed to complete the routine, but their ordeal was far from over.

Yuuto stood over them, his body tense and his eyes gleaming with a fierce determination. He had joined them for the calisthenics and had done even more rounds than them, yet he showed no signs of fatigue. He seemed to have an endless reservoir of energy, and he used it to devastating effect.

With a fierce look on his face, he picked up his bokken and began to spar with the three girls, striking them with expert precision and leaving them no room to breathe. Rias winced as she felt the cold timber of the bokken strike her arm, causing a sharp pain to radiate throughout her body.

Despite the pain, she refused to give up. She gritted her teeth and pushed herself to keep going, determined to show Yuuto that she was capable of enduring anything he could throw at her.

"Get up, our sparring session isn't finished yet," Yuuto barked at them, stabbing the sword into the ground for emphasis.

Rias and her companions groaned and struggled to their feet, their muscles screaming in protest as they braced themselves for the next round of punishment. They knew that they were in for a rough time, but they also knew that they had to persevere if they wanted to become stronger and better fighters.

As they resumed their training, Rias couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for Yuuto. Despite being tough and demanding, he was also an excellent teacher and mentor, always pushing them to be the best they could be. With his guidance, she knew that she would be able to achieve great things and become the strong, confident leader she knew she could be.

Rias, Akeno, and Koneko's bodies were covered in scratches as they lay on the ground, exhausted after completing countless rounds of calisthenics exercises. They had also been pummeled mercilessly by Yuuto during their training session. The only person not tired was Yuuto, even though he had done more rounds of calisthenics than them and had beaten them as if they were fodder enemies.

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