
Chapter-35 Don't go far away (First kiss)

Stark was squatting on the corner of a log that was 2 meters long. That was not in the same range as the ground. One side of the corner was up, and the other side was touching the ground. His eyes were admiring the gorgeous river in front of him as the orange ray of sun, which was already about to disappear, reflected on the river.

At the time, Kenyan came there, chomping the last piece of meat, with his eyes looking straight at the river, but he didn't notice that Stark was sitting on the other side of the timber.

He placed his butt on the other corner of the timber, which was 5 inches higher from the ground. As soon as his butt was placed, his side of timber touched the timber, and Stark slipped onto the ground, putting his palm on the ground like blocking.

So, Kenyan's body also slightly strived but didn't fall, blocked his body from falling on the ground, and he rubbernecked to the other side quickly.
