
Chapter 20 : Fitting time.

Third person point of view

They were in awe when they entered the floor. It was filled with racks full of different kinds of clothes. They followed Seung Hoon and walked in. " Honey ". Seung Hoon called out and they saw a guy peek from behind the clothes. He walked up to them. " He is my husband. Son Ha Jun ". Ha Jun greeted them with a sweet smile.

" Please sit down ". They sat down around a small table. Seung Hoon told the concepts to Ha Jun. He nodded. " He is a designer. So he will help with the clothes ". Seung Hoon told pointing at Ha Jun. Haruto and Junkyu gave an ' oh '. " Actually you said traditional clothing, so which would you like to do ? " Ha Jun asked looking at them.

They didn't think of this. " Can we do both ? " Junkyu asked. Seung Hoon and Ha Jun looked at each other. " Well yeah. Sure, we can ". Ha Jun replied. " We will do both then ". Junkyu concluded. Ha Jun nodded. " For now, I don't think I have the uniforms but for the other ones, I should be able to find them. You guys can come with me ".

Ha Jun took them to the side where there were different kinds of Hanboks hung one after the other. " You can choose the colors and all. Don't worry about the size. You just need to see if you like them. Or if you want something in specific, you can let me know ". They looked and they all looked pretty. " Can you suggest for us ? " Junkyu asked. Ha Jun chuckled.

He took out two for each of them. " These will be good on both of you. But since you guys should look good together... I'd say this and this ". He held two of them. A light blue on for Haruto and a pink one for Junkyu. " The colors look good and even the photos will come out well ". Haruto nodded. " They look good ". " Yeah. We will go with those ". Junkyu also agreed.

They then went to look for the Kimonos. Ha Jun once again helped them choose and they were done quicker than they expected. " For the third one... it shouldn't be suits right ? " Seung Hoon nodded. " Then since you didn't really fix a concept, how about something like, biker style ? You know leather and a bit of hip style ? I think you guys will be able to pull it off fine ".

Junkyu liked the idea. " Yeah. Sure ". Ha Jun nodded. " Then... is it fine if we design them for you ? I only have some basic stuff here so... it won't be of much help even if you look at them ". He shrugged. " It is fine. You can do it that way ". Junkyu was the only one doing the talking. He knows Haruto wouldn't say anything anyway.

It has been that way all the times they had to select something. Seung Hoon glanced at Haruto with a knowing smile. " Then since we don't have the uniforms, we will take your measurements now ". Ha Jun said. A lady came to help Ha Jun. " Junkyu-ssi can come with me first. You both can go sit down ".

Ha Jun took Junkyu to stand near a mirror and took his measurements. Haruto and Seung Hoon sat down watching them. " You listen to your fiance very well ". Seung Hoon commented and both of them laughed. Haruto looked at Junkyu who was talking to Ha Jun about something. " I guess ". Haruto said and both of them laughed a little more.

They had small talk about the locations for the shoot. Junkyu was done with his and went to the table. Junkyu stood to the side. Haruto has to go next. He stood up and took off his coat. He stopped for a second wondering where to put it. Junkyu understood what he was thinking. He took it from Haruto's hand. Haruto smiled.

Junkyu smiled back and sat down. Haruto also got his measurements taken. Once they were done, they all sat down. " Did you guys get your suits for the wedding ? " Ha Jun asked and Haruto shook his head. " Then do you guys mind it if I design it for you ? " Ha Jun asked with an expectant look.

Junkyu slowly nodded and turned to Haruto. Haruto also gave a nod. " Sure ". " Thank you so much. I thought of it as soon as I saw you guys. I am happy to have the opportunity to do so ". " It is nothing much. It reduces our work too ". Junkyu said and Ha Jun chuckled. " Do you want to see some photos for reference ? Or if you have any suggestions, you can tell me ".

" Nothing like that. Also you look like, you are really talented. So you can decide which style suits us the best and we will wear them. We don't really have a problem ". Junkyu said and Ha Jun was surprised. " Are you sure ? " " Yes ". " That's too high praise. Thank you. I will do my best ". Junkyu smiled.

" I will immediately get to work ". Ha Jun said with excitement making the others chuckle. " Then we need to come for fitting for the suits right ? " Haruto asked. " When will you guys have time before the wedding ? " They both fell in thought. " We will drop by during the week days once. That should be fine right ? " Haruto looked at Seung Hoon and Ha Jun.

" Yeah. It is fine. I will give you my contact information. If you give me a heads up, I will make sure to keep them ready. Or I will only call you guys once I am done ". Ha Jun said. So that was settled. " I initially planned for the shoot to be on Friday and Saturday. You guys might have to take a day off. It is fine right ? " Seung Hoon asked.

" Yeah. That's fine ". Junkyu answered. They spoke a little more and concluded on everything about the shoot; the time, locations and all other things. " We look forward to working with you ". Seung Hoon said with a small bow and the other two returned it. " We will take our leave ". Haruto said. The both of them walked out feeling tired.


Actually regarding the Kimono, it is just the general term used and the one I know. I did search and all but then again I didn't want to make it complicated. If you know enough, you know what traditional Japanese clothing looks like and I think that's enough.

And the two characters are fictional. They are absolutely no one. If you know someone with that name, then it is not them. I just came up with random names.

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