
Chapter 6_ I Came To School In His Car

We ran and hid somewhere inside the bush. He stopped and came from the car and searches for us. He gets to the spot we were hiding and we both hold on our breath. Luckily for us, he didn't see us. He went back to where his car was parked, entered and left.

We make sure he was far gone before we came out from our hide out.

"Jesus Christ! I just shot a man, I kill someone." Skylar lamented uncertainly looking at his palm horribly.

"You did it to save yourself Skylar, to save us both. You shouldn't be felling guilty. Let go, they might come back or still be around."

"Why shouldn't I huh? Tell me why I shouldn't be felling guilty when I just kill someone, I just got my hand dirty."

"Do you prefer to be killed? You and I would've been dead by now if you didn't pull the trigger on that motherfucker Skylar."

"But it still doesn't change the fact that I just killed someone and the police will know about this anytime from now."

"You did the right thing Skylar. And don't bother about the police getting to know, beside no one saw you neither me okay. Let go before they return okay."

I hold unto his hand and we walked to the car.


Brrring!!!!!!!!!! My alarm rang and I off it immediately. I was already awake before it rings. I stand up from the bed and get ready for school. I walk out, locked my door and went to my bike. While I was unlocking my bike, I heard a voice.

"You won't need your bike today."

I turn and it was Skylar. He was standing behind his car.

"How you some ghost? how come I didn't notice your presence?"

"I'm sure you got your mind elsewhere I think."

"How long have you been here?"

He looked at his watch. "Seven minutes earlier."

"Why are you here?"

"To drive you to school."


"Let say yesterday I didn't thank you for saving my life and so I decided to come pick you up to school as an apology for not appreciating you help and also saying thank you."

"You save my life too remembered. So I owe you that favor too and since you owe me that make it even."

"Okay. So apologies accepted?"

"Sure." I unlocked my bike and climb on. "See you at school."

"You aren't coming with me?"

"Nope, drive safe."

"But I'm here already. We should go together, please. And besides, I have something to tell about last night."

"About last night? Maybe he knows something about the guys." I thought. "Alright, let's go, we're getting late."

I get down from my bike and locked.

We enter the car and zoom off.

I waited patiently for him to start saying what he knows about last night but looking at him, it seems he has forgetting. I could exercise patient anymore so I have to bring it up. "So, what do you want to tell me about last night?" I asked.

"Let get to school first."

We arrived the school premises. Alice and he friends was outside when we arrived. They saw Skylar car and stopped. Alice smile and wanted to go to Skylar but suddenly stop when she saw me coming down from the car. The smiles in her face faded away.

"What the heck is going on?" Eleanor asked surprised as the other.

"Wait, did she just get down from Skylar car? Like did they just come to school together? This is unbelievably insane." Eve added.

Walking with Skylar, I saw the three bitches glaring at me. Then, I double my steps and left Skylar behind. They glare even more as I walked pass them.

Alice then blocks Skylar way with her hand as he approached her.

"Let's go Eve." Eleanor said and pulls Eve away with her.

"What was she doing in your car? Why did guys come together in your car?"

Skylar look at her and then walk pass her with his hand in his pocket.

"Skylar I was talking to you!" She yelled but he ignored her. She went into the class angrily.

The mathematics teacher was already in the class before they walked in. He watch as Keisha walked in then Eleanor and Eve and then Skylar. He thought that was all they Alice suddenly walked in too.

"Why are you just coming?" He asked but was ignored.

"My class is almost ending and you are just coming. What if these came out in the exam, what will you do? Can you solve it? Answer me."

"Yes sir. I said." Keisha said.

"Really" He went to the board and wrote a question similar to what he taught. "Can and do the workings?"

I stand up boldly to the board and solved the question in less than two minute.

Everybody including him was amazed.

He asked me some other few questions and I answered it all without wasting time. The own class was staring at me like I was some mathematics god and I loved the feelings.

"Please go back to your sit."

"Alice" He called. She ignores him but he roared again and she stands up immediately.

"Can you help the class with that?" He asked pointing to a question on the board.

"No idea." Alice answered after starring at the board for a while.

"No idea? It's always no idea. I feel pity for your future. You got nothing on your thick brain and you are happy with it. Always inactive."

"Skylar, do help us with that."

He stands up and stare at the floor like the answers was there.

I noticed he doesn't seem to know the answer so I quickly whisper it to him. He answered it.

Mr. George was impressed. He wasn't expecting him getting the answer. He then asked another question and I whisper again to him which he told him.

"That's good. I really hope you keep it on. Alice you can make Keisha your private tutor if you really want to improve on your academic and graduate this year."

He picked his books. "That is all for today lesson." He said and walk out of the class.
