
Ch. 14 Part 1






Their three days seclusion on the mountain turned four days as Xiao Ling thought of selling pastries and cakes in his restaurant.... he designed an oven asking YanZhi to craft three big sizes for him which will be operated using qi. He had gotten quite good in materializing his qi which made his [skill: qi manipulation ranked up to a B+ skill.] Today was the fourth and last day of the seclusion which was the first day in the month of June and the beginning of summer making the sun very hot, YanZhi walked to Xiao Ling under the shade and took out the things he crafted for him from his pocket space..... YanZhi lined up all thirteen of them looking like sparkling crystal boxes with different shapes, sizes, length and designs which were five ice cub making machines, five fridges and three ovens.

" what do you think? " YanZhi asked smiling brightly waiting to be praised of his amazing work as Xiao Ling walk around them inspecting them careful

" they look exactly like the real thing from my place.... infact they look better than I expected, Xiong Gong Is really talented. " Xiao Ling gave him a thumbs up and praised excitedly

" mistress this is nothing, master can craft even more complicated items.... everything we use here was crafted by master " Yue proudly praised her master making Xiao Ling nodded in agreement

" I'll infuse my qi in the ones you want to use for the shop and you'll infuse in the ones you want to be kept at home for training " YanZhi explained to him seriously and Xiao Ling couldn't help but agree with him more. He was still an amateur in using qi so he couldn't infuse his qi into an object and do something else at the same them.... he can only do one thing at a time with studied concentration. But YanZhi can infuse qi in a lot of things at a go and even forget he had done that but the qi still remains in the infused objects.... Xiao had already planned on letting YanZhi help with that.

" I'll listen to Xiong Gong.... but I'll keep all ovens at home since in baking pastries and cakes you need to set the rest temperature for each delicacy you're baking so the workers I hire can't control the heat, I'll bake them myself at home and send them to the shop every morning before the shop is opens " Xiao Ling explained and YanZhi nodded in agreement, tho YanZhi didn't understand all this baking stuffs he still could understand that the workers they'll hire in the future will all be normal people who can't use qi.

" Little wife I made something I thought you might like.... " YanZhi took out a complicated shaped looking dagger from his pocket space.... Xiao Ling stared in his hands surprised with sparkling eyes. The long dagger was shaped like a crawling snake with complicated craftsmanship, just by looking at the dagger Xiao Ling could tell it was a very good dagger. YanZhi passed the dagger to him and he inspected the dagger feeling it carefully in his hands intrigued at the designs

[Ding! Ding! Ding!

You Have Appraised ( Shadow Long Dagger )

Rating: Epic

Rank: S

Attack Power: 300

Skill: Cutting

Skill: 5 Joint Attack

Attack Power Has + 20% In Dark Places.

Low Possiblity Of Blocking Enemy's Attack

Has A Certain Chance Of Ignoring The Enemy's Defense]

" Oh My God! this is better than any Epic grade weapons I've ever seen! ah I'm in love with this dagger..... Xiong Gong in my world, guilds will fight each other to death for such a weapon " Xiao Ling exclaimed feeling baffled

" really? it's just a low tier weapon... I wanted to craft something even better for you but there are no good materials. I'll search for good materials and craft better things for you in the future " YanZhi smiled and said to Xiao Ling who was smiling like an idiot

" really thank you... Xiong Gong i really appreciate what you're doing for me. Ah there's something more about the dagger let me read " Xiao Ling said and turned his attention back to the dagger


It is a dagger which a Celestial Being had crafted for his wife with love....]

Xiao Ling stopped reading and turned to YanZhi with red eyes almost wanting to cry ' he loves me ' Xiao Ling thought with mixed feelings... he felt happy, surprised, delighted, depressed, desperate, lost, frustrated, insecure... he felt a whole lot but most importantly he felt pleased and joyful. He embraced himself and turned back to continue reading

[The dagger was brought to life and took form of the love which the Celestial Being who carries the name of The Snake God Constellation one of the high ranking constellations. The dagger will turn blunt if used on its creator, it hates betrayals just like it's master, the dagger speaks of the love between the constellation snake god and the Shadow monarch.]

Xiao Ling dropped the dagger on the floor and turned to YanZhi in furry, YanZhi was shocked to feel the hostility coming from him and Yue stood on guard against him when she felt his hostile against her master

" say.... are.... you a constellation?! " Xiao Ling asked in a terribly calm voice with his gaze fierce

" ... what? " YanZhi asked confused for a moment and before he could answer Xiao Ling strike which he ( YZ ) avoided easily

" don't play jokes with me! " Xiao Ling shouted in furry

" mistress! what do you think you're doing! " Yue asked in anger ready to attack

" Yue step back... do not involve yourself " YanZhi warned as he saw Xiao Ling's qi materialized in a dark creepy air engulfing his whole body as it went turbulent and out of control..... he did tell them that they can't see qi but that doesn't apply for him since he could see anyone's qi clearly, tho Yue couldn't see but she could feel that something was very wrong with Xiao Ling so she listened to her master and stepped back worriedly.

" little wife.... if there's something you wish to know calm down and we'll talk about it. The constellation thing you asked.... I inherited it along with the will of the previous snake god decades ago, but I haven't really seen myself as one. I don't even know what role the constellations play as they originally were gods " YanZhi explained but Xiao Ling still showed no sign of calming down

" then did you know about the situation in my world where the constellations were using us as mere pawns in their games?! people's lives were lost... I lost my entire family the very day the apocalypse started, I watch my friends died in the hands of dungeon monsters.... " heavy tears dripped down his cheeks making YanZhi's heart ached as Xiao Ling continued to rage on " I worked hard from a F grade Hunter and climbed up the dungeon tower gaining skills which I planned on fighting against the Constellations with..... when I managed to gain the title as the shadow monarch the constellations started targeting me for reasons which I do not know and used my best friend to backstab me and leave me at the mercy of a boss monster!.... that's how you guys ruined my live! the lives of all humans in my world! " Xiao Ling's qi started going berserk as his emotions were mixed up which made YanZhi quickly created a barrier around Yue and the crafts which Xiao Ling asked for in order for them not to be destroyed for he knew Xiao Ling would be sad.

" ... I didn't know " YanZhi said and for the first time his emotions showed which Xiao Ling could feel the pain in his voice

" didn't know what?! " Xiao Ling asked a little bit calmed

" ... I didn't know what happened to your world, infact I didn't know what was happening anywhere. After I inherited the will of the snake god, I went on a seclusion training for hundreds of thousands of years... I only came out of seclusion when I was able to make the will of the snake god mine and could fully use it, I created a sect and taught the humans and beasts alike cultivation and martial arts skills which I created myself, I taught them crafting and pill refining I learnt from the previous snake god's knowledge but in the end those disciples I gave my love and thousands of years time to teach betrayed me and trapped me in a pagoda for decades... so I didn't know, I didn't see and I didn't hear...

Infact I never thought of myself as a constellation since I had never used the power of the stars, to me it was just a title I inherited " YanZhi said truthfully in anguish and pained which made Xiao Ling's qi which was turbulent calmed down and dissolved away making him regain his normal temperament.... Xiao Ling stood still looking at YanZhi skeptically trying to see whether he was telling lies but he saw was the truthfulness in Yanzhi's eyes which looked pained and not like the emptiness he usually saw in YanZhi's eyes.

Author's words:

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PS. this Author is too pitiful and poor😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank me for my hard work.
