
Chapter 227 Ice Point Relationship

Jay Bennett has already seen Olivia Jenkins?

Then, Olivia should know Jay is Charmy Bennett's sister.

Perhaps, Benjamin Johnson embellished and exaggerated a whole lot to Olivia.

In a flash, Daniel Marshall's heart clenched tighter, but he hid his true emotions extraordinarily well, not allowing Jay to see it.

"Jay, thank you for coming to see me. Some other day, my wife and I will invite you out for a meal."

The corner of Jay's mouth twitched involuntarily and her face changed slightly, "Daniel, there's no need to be polite. It was my duty to come see you. I have some matters to attend to, so I must leave now."

"Jay, won't you stay a bit longer? My wife should be back soon. I would like to formally introduce you."

For a moment, Jay was at a loss for words, unsure of what to say, and forced a smile on her face.

Her hands gripped her purse tightly.
